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Connect your data with Listrak using these articles for data file setup and API integrations.
63 articles
Integration Guide: Adobe AnalyticsLearn how to integrate Adobe Analytics with Listrak's marketing automation platform.
Integration Guide: OptimoveLearn how to integrate Optimove with Listrak's marketing automation platform.
Integration Guide: AtDataLearn how to integrate AtData (formerly TowerData) for email validation and data enhancement
Integration Guide: Segment.ioLearn the steps to set up an integration between and Listrak to use Listrak as a source or a destination.
JavaScript Website Integration InstallationHow to install the JavaScript website integration.
JavaScript Website Integration TestingHow to test your JavaScript website integration.
Integration Guide: Shopify Public AppLearn more about Listrak's integration with Shopify and how you can integrate.
Re-Authentication for the Shopify Public AppLearn how to re-authenticate the Shopify Public App to grant additional permissions.
Integration Guide: Upgrade from the Shopify Private App to Public AppUpgrade to Listrak's most recent Shopify Public App integration version.
Update Admin API Permissions for Shopify Transactional MessagesUpdate your Admin API Permissions before activating any Shopify Transactional Message Journeys
Integration Guide: BigCommerceLearn how to integrate your website with Listrak's BigCommerce integration.
Integration Guide: Magento 1Learn more about Listrak's Integration with Magento 1 and the steps to integrate.
Integration Guide: Magento 2Learn more about Listrak's Integration with Magento 2 and the steps to integrate.
Integration Guide: Salesforce B2C CommerceLearn more about Listrak's integration with Salesforce B2C Commerce part of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud previously knows as Demandware.
Integration Guide: VolusionLearn more about Listrak's Integration with Volusion and the steps to integrate.
Integration Guide: YahooLearn more about Listrak's Integration with Yahoo and the steps to integrate.
REST API Integrations at Listrak
Integration Guide: Alerts SuiteLearn more about the process of integrating Alerts Suite with Listrak.
Integration Guide: On-site RecommendationsLearn more about how to set up Listrak On-site Recommendations.
Integration Guide: Popup ProLearn more about the process required to set up Popup Pro with Listrak or self-service.
Integration Guide: Transactional EmailsLearn how to integrate with our REST API to send transactional emails.
Integration Guide: Preference CenterLearn more about the process of integrating a preference center with Listrak.
Integration Guide: Product RecommendationsLearn more about how to set up Listrak Product Recommendations as a self-service solution.
Integration Guide: Ratings and ReviewsLearn more about the process of integrating Ratings and Reviews with Listrak.
Integration Guide: ReplenishmentLearn more about the process of integrating Replenishment with Listrak.
File Import GuideLearn more about product, order, and customer data file feeds.
Data File SetupLearn more about the data file setup.
Getting Started With Subscription Points: Table of ContentsLearn how to manage subscription points
Email Subscription Point SetupCreate a new email subscription point in your Listrak Account.
Profile Fields for Email Subscription PointsIn this article we will set up Profile Fields to track the source of your subscribers, as well as additional Contact Information.
JavaScript Subscription Code IntegrationLearn more about using JavaScript subscription code.
Subscription Point ManagementLearn how to manage subscription points
Subscribe Email Contacts with the REST APILearn more about how to subscribe email contacts with the REST API.
Integration Guide: Annex CloudLearn more about integrating your Annex Cloud loyalty program with Listrak.
Integration Guide: CrowdTwistLearn more about Listrak's integration with CrowdTwist and how to set up this integration.
Integration Guide: YotpoLearn more about Listrak's integration with Yotpo and how to get it set up.
Integration Guide: ZinreloLearn how to integrate your Zinrelo loyalty data into Listrak.
Integration Guide: AmperityLearn more about Listrak's integration with Amperity and how you can integrate.
Integration Guide: Glew.ioLearn more about integrating with Listrak's partner Glew.
Integration Guide: AffirmLearn more about Listrak's integration with Affirm and how to set up this integration.
Integration Guide: PersadoLearn how to integrate Listrak with Persado's subject line split testing tool.
Integration Guide: Pixlee TurnToLearn more about Listrak's integration with Pixlee and how to set it up.
Integration Guide: PrivyLearn more about how to subscribe email addresses from Privy to Listrak.
Integration Guide: ZapierLearn more about Listrak's integration with Zapier and how you can integrate.
API ID InformationLearn where you can find API ID information in your Listrak account.
API Error LoggingLearn more about the details on your 400 level errors inside of the integration manager.
Configuring a Recurring Data Export
Cloud Services – Static Source IPs For Listrak API IntegrationsIdentifies a number of methods to direct / source traffic from a controlled IP range when using AWS, Azure, and Heroku Cloud Services.
Data ExportLearn more about how to export delimited subscriber and email activity data to your FTP or Listrak's FTP.
Hide Checkbox for Subscribe FormLearn how to create a hidden checkbox for your subscribe form.
Integrate Answerbase with Listrak Using ZapierLearn more about how to take email addresses acquired from Answerbase and automatically send them to Listrak with Zapier.
Integrate DojoMojo with Listrak Using ZapierLearn more about how to take information acquired from DojoMojo and automatically send it to Listrak to send triggered emails.
Integrate Eventbrite with Listrak Using ZapierLearn more about subscribing email addresses and contact information from Eventbrite and automatically send them to Listrak with Zapier.
Integrate Google Forms with Listrak Using ZapierLearn more about how to subscribe email addresses, update contact information, and send triggered emails with Listrak Conductor.
Integrate Justuno with ListrakHow to take email addresses acquired from Justuno and automatically send them to Listrak.
Integrate Zendesk with Listrak Using ZapierLearn how to target Zendesk users inside of Listrak by automatically adding them to Listrak with Zapier.
Integration TroubleshootingLearn more about frequently asked questions about integrations and how to troubleshoot common occurrences.
Locating the Client Secret and IDLearn more about where to find your Client Secret and ID.
Optimizing Your Product CatalogLearn more about how to optimize your product catalog.
Radio or Checkbox Selection for File ImportsWithin your import file, you can denote whether or not a checkbox or radio button field should be selected.
SOAP UI APIWhere to find legacy SOAP documentation and information on REST API
Text QualifiersLearn about text qualifiers and how you can use them to create clarity in your data files.
Understanding FTP and SFTP Protocols used in Listrak's Integrations.Learn more about the two different protocols that can be used to transfer data to or from Listrak.