Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the trunk of your car, Shopify has you covered.
Want to know how fast and easy it is to integrate Listrak and Shopify? Learn more about how to integrate with Shopify or Shopify Plus using Listrak's Public App integration.
๐ Looking to upgrade to Checkout Extensibility? Follow these steps.
Listrak Public App Integration
Navigate to Integrations > Integrations Management.
Click on the New Integrations button.
Scroll down to the New Partner Integrations section of the page.
Select the Shopify Public App integration and click the Integrate button.
Click the Setup Integration button from the Shopify Public App integration page. This will redirect you to the Shopify App Store page for the Listrak app: https://apps.shopify.com/listrak
Click the Add app button to add the Listrak App to your Shopify store.
Input your Shopify store URL (if prompted) and click the Log in button.
๐ก If you are already logged in you may not receive this prompt
You will now be redirected to the Shopify App Install Confirmation page for the Listrak Platform. This page allows you to review the details and permissions that the Listrak Platform will be able to access in your Shopify store.
Click the Install app button.
You will now be redirected to Listrak and be asked to re-log in. Click Log In to log into your Listrak account.
After logging in, you will be redirected to the Listrak Integration Manager page to complete the setup of your Shopify integration. Select the merchant from the drop-down that you will be completing this integration for and click Authorize.
โ ๏ธ If the merchant you are integrating is not showing, some additional work is required. Please contact Listrak Support to get the appropriate merchant set up in your account.
After your integration is authorized:
On the Listrak setup page, a confirmation popup will appear that the integration has been successfully authenticated.
The Listrak app will now appear in the Apps section of your Shopify store.
Listrakโs JavaScript Integration for Shopify
You can quickly enable real-time tracking from Listrak once the Listrak app has been installed.
After the app is installed, log into Listrak.
Navigate to Integrations Management.
Click on the name of your Shopify Public App Integration.
Scroll to the Listrak's JavaScript Integration for Shopify section.
Click Activate.
You will be redirected to the customize theme page in Shopify. Click Save on the theme page to complete the integration.
Your Shopify settings in Listrak will now confirm the integration is active.
๐ If you previously manually installed the tracking script, follow these steps to remove the manual code, after following the steps above, if desired. This is not required.
Enhanced Data in the NextGen Platform
If you are utilizing the NextGen version of the Listrak platform, you can enable additional data sharing between Listrak and Shopify. Learn more about the data sharing.
Add or Update Shopify Subscription Points
After installing Shopify, you will need to create two subscription points to subscribe email addresses and phone numbers submitted during the checkout process. The email subscription point will use the subscribe ID Checkout and the SMS subscription point will use the subscribe ID CheckoutSMS.
โ ๏ธ If you are upgrading to Checkout Extensibility, ensure the subscribe ID matches the required naming listed above.
๐ก Tips for setting up subscription points:
Ensure the merchant selected in the subscription point popup matches the merchant of the Shopify store you are integrating.
Associate your SMS subscription point with a campaign to enter contacts into an SMS list subscription campaign.
All email subscribers will automatically enter a subscription journey associated with the list selected during setup.
About the Shopify Checkout Extensibility Pixel
Shopify introduced the Checkout Extensibility in 2022 to provide a faster, better performing, more secure, and upgrade-safe option than checkout.liquid for checkout customizations using Shopify apps. Listrak's custom pixel integration utilizes Checkout Extensibility to enable data collection and contact identification using secure, first-party data.
All Shopify clients should upgrade their integration to utilize the pixel before August 2024 as Shopify will discontinue support for the checkout.liquid integration method. Clients should follow the instructions found by following the guide found in step #2 of the Script Installation section of this guide.
The pixel collects the following Standard Web Pixel events:
After data is collected it is then sent to Listrak and processed within the Listrak system. When the checkout_completed event is sent to Listrak an order is created. If a customer opts into marketing messages during the checkout flow the Checkout subscription point will subscribe a contact to marketing messages. If a client is integrated with SMS, the same process will occur using the CheckoutSMS subscription point when a customer opts in to SMS mobile messaging. Learn more about setting up email or SMS subscription points.
The pixel also collects Listrak's standard tracking identifiers and processes email addresses or phone numbers to power Listrak automation, such as cart abandonment.
The image below displays the available settings for the pixel, which allows you to specify the permissions level for your data. The settings shown below are the suggested settings.
If the Permission setting is set to Required
Marketing should be checked
Analytics should be checked
The Data sale settings should be set that Data collected does not qualify as data sale
Updating an Existing Manual Tracking Pixel Integration
After enabling the one-click tracking pixel, you can remove the existing manual code, if desired. Removing this code reduces unnecessary code in your theme file.
From the Shopify admin, navigate to Online Store > Themes.
Locate your theme, and click on the 3 dots to Edit the code.
Locate the theme.liquid file in the left sidebar.
Scroll to the bottom of the file.
Locate the Listrak Analytics - Javascript Framework.
Remove the code from the framework name to the closing script tag. It will look similar to the code below.
<!-- Listrak Analytics โ Javascript Framework -->
{% if customer %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var ltkCustObj = { "firstname": "{{customer.first_name}}", "lastname": "{{customer.last_name}}", "email": "{{customer.email}}"};
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var biJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://");
(function (d, s, id, tid, vid) {
var js, ljs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
js.src = biJsHost + "cdn.listrakbi.com/scripts/script.js?m=" + tid + "&v=" + vid;
ljs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ljs);
})(document, 'script', 'ltkSDK', 'MerchantID', '1');
</script>Click Save.