Integrating Annex Cloud Loyalty Data within Listrak allows you to utilize this data to personalize your messages by including loyalty information and automate nurture touchpoints to inform loyalty members about their progress.
How does the Annex Cloud Integration Work?
The Annex Cloud and Listrak Integration allows you to connect your loyalty data from Annex Cloud to two Listrak lists. These lists are typically a Loyalty List and Master List, but can be adjusted to fit your specific needs.
Data from Annex Cloud will be sent to Listrak and saved in profile fields on the two selected lists. If a contact is not subscribed to the Listrak Master List, the Annex Cloud integration does not subscribe contacts to the list.
Annex Cloud will update the data stored in the Listrak profile fields after a contact has taken some action that changes the data, such as accruing or redeeming loyalty points. The data in these profile fields can be referenced in an email sent from one of the connected lists. If desired, you can also create triggered campaigns on the loyalty list to nurture contacts and notify them about milestones within your loyalty program.
The Integration Process
Creating the Lists
The first step is to create the lists that Annex Cloud will pass information to within Listrak.
โ ๏ธ If your lists have previously been created, skip to the next step.
Navigate to Contacts > Email Contacts List Manager.
Click the New List button.
In the popup, provide a relevant name for the list. E.g. StyleCo Loyalty List
If desired, add the list to a folder.
Click Create.
Repeat steps 2-5 if you need to create another list (this is unlikely).
Setting Up the Listrak Integration
Navigate to Integrations > Integration Management.
Click the New Integration button.
Select Integrate on the Annex Cloud card in the Partner Integration section.
Click Setup Integration.
On the Integration Settings page
Name your integration
Select a merchant.
Select your master list from the corresponding drop-down.
Select your loyalty list (or other list based on your goal).
Click Save at the top of the card.
Save your Client ID and Secret in a secure location.
The process make take a few moments as Listrak creates all the fields on both the selected master and loyalty lists. Once this is complete you may navigate away from the integration.
Annex Cloud Setup
Once you have completed the Listrak integration set up, send the Client ID and Secret to Annex Cloud to complete the process.
Subscription Point Setup or Update
Subscription points can be used to subscribe new contacts to your Master List and sign them up for your Loyalty Program. You may need to set up new subscription points if you are launching a brand new loyalty program, or simply update existing subscription points in Listrak if a contact can now sign up for both marketing and loyalty emails.
Follow this guide to integrate your subscription points at Listrak.
Import Existing Loyalty Contacts
If you have an existing loyalty program, the last step in the initial integration is to import contacts and their loyalty data into the Listrak Loyalty AND Master Lists (or whatever lists you have integrated).
When importing to the Loyalty List, select the Add/Update method since no contacts are currently on the list.
When importing to the Master List, select the Update Existing Subscriber method so that only contacts who have previously opted into your marketing program are updated.
Find the full instructions for importing contacts via a file here.
If preferred, you can update contacts using the Listrak REST API.
Appendix: Available Annex Cloud Data
The following data points will be synced within Listrak. The profile fields can be found in a group called Customer Profile.
Field in Listrak | Field Description | Data Type | Size |
Address.Address1 | The first line of a contact's address | Text | 100 |
Address.Address2 | The second line of a contact's address | Text | 100 |
Address.Address3 | The third line a contact's address | Text | 100 |
Address.City | The city in which a contact is located | Text | 100 |
Address.Country | The country in which a contact is located | Text | 100 |
Address.State | The state in which a contact is located | Text | 100 |
Birthdday | The day, month, and year of a contact's birth | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
CustomerNumber | A unique identifier for a contact | Text | 20 |
FirstName | A contact's first name | Text | 50 |
Gender | A contact's specified gender | Text | 50 |
HomePhone | A contact's phone number | Text | 50 |
LastName | A contact's last name | Text | 50 |
Loyalty.ActiveLoyaltyMember | An indicator that a contact is currently part of the loyalty program | Check Box |
Loyalty.AvailablePoints | An integer representing how many points a contact currently has | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.CurrentTierLevel | An indicator of which level of the loyalty program a contact is part of | Text | 100 |
Loyalty.EnrollDate | The date the contact joined the loyalty program | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Loyalty.ExpiringPoints | The number of points a contact could lose after the current period | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.LastActivityDate | The last time an activity was recorded for the loyalty program | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Loyalty.LastPointsEarnedDate | The last time points were accrued by a contact | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Loyalty.LastPointRedemptionDate | The last time points were cashed in for a reward | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Loyalty.LifetimePoints | The total number of points accrued by a contact over all time | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.LoyaltySignUpSource | The specific way a contact joined the loyalty program | Text | 100 |
Loyalty.MonthlyPoints | The number of points accrued in the month | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.NextTierlevel | The next possible rewards tier a contact can reach | Text | 100 |
Loyalty.NumberOfReferals | The number of other people a contact has referred to the program | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.PendingPoints | The number of points that are being processed | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.PersonofReferred | An identifier of a referred person | Text | 250 |
Loyalty.PointExpirationDate | When a contact's points will no longer be valid | Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Loyalty.PointsToNext | The number of points a contact must accrue to reach the next tier | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.ReferralCode | A contact's code when inviting new participants | Text | 100 |
Loyalty.ReferralURL | A contact's unique URL inviting others to participate | Text | 250 |
Loyalty.RewardsAvailable | An indicator of rewards that can be claimed | Text | 250 |
Loyalty.RewardsClaimed | An indicator of rewards that have been redeemed | Text | 250 |
Loyalty.RewardsID | A unique ID value for the program | Text | 250 |
Loyalty.SpentPoints | The number of points a contact spent to redeem a reward | Numeric | 50 |
Loyalty.TierID | A unique indicator of a specific tier | Text | 100 |
Loyalty.WeeklyPoints | The number of points accrued in the week | Numeric | 50 |
Meta 1 - 5 | Additional information about contacts or the program | Text | 250 |
MobilePhone | A contact's mobile number | Text | 50 |
PreferredStore | The identifier of a contact's preferred location | Text | 100 |
Registered | An identifier to indicate a contact is considered registered | Checkbox |
Social.FacebookID | A unique ID of a contact's Facebook page | Text | 100 |
Social.FacebookNumberOfFriends | The number of people the contact is connected to on Facebook | Numeric | 50 |
Social.InstargramID | A unique ID of a contact's Instagram profile | Text | 100 |
Social.InstagramNumberOfFollowers | The number of accounts following the contact on Instagram | Numeric | 50 |
Social.TwitterID | A unique ID of a contact's Twitter account | Text | 100 |
Social.TwitterNumberOfFollowers | The number of accounts following a contact on Twitter | Numeric | 50 |
WorkPhone | A contact's work phone contact details | Text | 50 |
ZipCode | The contact's zip code | Text | 20 |