Listrak's integration with Affirm allows you to add Affirm pricing information to your Listrak Abandonment Campaigns. When making a large purchase, select Affirm at checkout to learn more about how to financially manage a larger purchase over time.
Contact your Account Manager to learn more about Listrak's integration with Affirm.
Step 1: Integrate with Affirm.
Step 2: Listrak technical integration. Please reach out to your Account Manager to get started. During this step, your team integrates our JavaScript Framework (if not already implemented), which is used in the Shopping Cart /Browse Abandonment automated campaigns to display Affirm pricing information. Then, Listrak creates segmentation tags that allow the Affirm data to be passed to Listrak and used in the messages that are created below.
Step 3: Update Listrak content. After integrated with Affirm and Listrak, there are a few things that need to be updated within Listrak to reflect your supported integration.
Add dynamic content to the applicable Shopping Cart/Browse Abandonment email. Add the Affirm data by adding dynamic content with segmentation fields to your email (either HTML or Listrak Composer).ย
Dynamic content containers will also pull in the payment and the disclaimer areas. These will populate for each individual based on their activity using segmentation fields.
Step 4: Launch!
At this time, the messages are added to a Listrak Shopping Cart Abandonment conversation. When the messages are delivered, the information is dynamically populated for each user.