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Mobile Messaging
Learn the basics of SMS set up, contact management, sending a text, and more.
24 articles
SMS at Listrak
Mobile GlossaryLearn more about the terms you'll hear about in your mobile SMS program.
FAQs: SMS MarketingGet answers to some of the frequently asked questions about creating and managing your SMS program.
SMS Sender Code Settings ManagerLearn about the settings available for your SMS sender codes.
SMS Lists Management GuideLearn how to create new lists, edit existing lists or review the performance of a specific list.
SMS System MessagesLearn more about automatic keyword responses and Keyword Aliases for System Messages and List Messages.
Shortened and Branded Links in SMSLearn about shortened or branded links in your text messages - how to create, understand the differences, and the benefits of using them.
SMS Keyword CampaignsLearn more about creating and sending SMS Keyword Campaigns.
Setting Up SMS Subscription Points and SMS List Subscription CampaignsLearn more about creating and sending SMS List Subscription Campaigns.
SMS Tap-to-Join on InstagramLearn how to acquire SMS subscribers by setting up a Tap-to-Join Keyword Campaign on Instagram.
SMS QR Code Keyword Acquisition
Strategies for Collecting SMS Profile Data After Initial Sign-Up
SMS Broadcast MessagesLearn more about creating a broadcast SMS, MMS, or data acquisition broadcast message.
AI Assistant
SMS Message Examples and Campaign StrategiesLearn more about Listrak's whitepaper for SMS.
Transactional Guide: SMSLearn more about creating the list and message shells needed to send transactional SMS messages and how to view reporting.
MMS Mobile MessagesLearn more about dimensions and tips and tricks to add attachments to your text messages.
Message Encoding in SMSLearn more about different character counts and message encoding for SMS.
Link Previews in SMSLearn more about Link Previews in SMS
Using Coupons in SMS CampaignsLearn more about how to use static and dynamic coupons in SMS campaigns.
Mobile Contact CardsLearn more about Contact Cards and how you can use them in your mobile messages.