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SMS Sender Code Settings Manager
SMS Sender Code Settings Manager

Learn about the settings available for your SMS sender codes.

Updated over a week ago

The Manage Sender Code view allows you to review and update the settings of your provisioned sender code.

To access the Manage Sender Code page, navigate to Settings > SMS Settings Sender Code.

๐Ÿ’ก If you have multiple sender codes, you will need to select the correct sender code from list navigation dropdown menu.

View and adjust the following settings:

Merchant Configuration

The Merchant Configuration is a piece that cannot be edited. This links your domain to your SMS program and is used to attribute revenue.

Email List Settings

The email list settings section provides a connection between the SMS sender code and an email list. Here you can configure which email list an SMS contact that has provided their email address will be subscribed to after submitting the information. In addition, select which external event will be used to trigger the dual subscriber into an automated email campaign.

๐Ÿ’ก Associating an email list allows you to use email activity data about your SMS subscribers in your filtering strategy.

Email List Profile Data

The email list profile data section is also a gateway between the two channels by supplying the contact's email profile with their phone number, keyword name and acquisition source, which can be use as filters in email marketing campaigns.

How does this work?

When a user subscribes to the SMS program and then provides their email address (via a data acquisition campaign or on a form that collects both email and SMS phone number) Listrak will subscribe the provided email address to the associated email list. In addition, their phone number and keyword will be written into their email profile and mark their acquisition source as SMS.

โš ๏ธ These profile fields must be created on your email list first.

Analytics Settings

The analytics section allows Listrak and Google to track message performance, including conversions. It will also enable the Listrak and/or Google Analytics input fields within your broadcast message editor.

  • The Listrak conversion analytics will append a campaign type and give you the option to append a campaign name and a campaign version name when creating a message. This can be later used to review message performance in Listrak.

  • Google Analytics will give you the option to append a campaign name (utm_campaign) and a campaign content name (utm_content) to the link(s) in your SMS messages so you can easily track the performance within your Google Analytics Dashboard.

  • The Source (utm_source) "listrak" and Medium (utm_medium) "sms" parameter values are prepopulated and will also be appended to the link(s) in your SMS messages.

URL Branding

The URL Branding section displays the shortened link prefix that takes the place of the link added to the message. By default, the Listrak shortened link (plus 7 additional characters) will be used in your messages. However, you can update this with your own custom branded shortened URL prefix.

Learn more about setting up custom URL branding.

Compliance Language

The compliance language section allows you to create a Program Name and default compliance messaging that will be easily accessed when creating SMS messages.

  • The Program Name is automatically pre-pended to your messages when creating a new message. The program name is required for compliance and is an easy way for contacts to know what company is sending them messages.

  • Compliance language is required by the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom's wireless carriers to be included in at least one message a month to all contacts on your mobile list.

    • In this section, you can set default compliance language and easily include it when authoring a new broadcast message using the paste compliance language feature. Using this feature allows you to easily track which contacts have received a broadcast message that included compliance language by viewing their profile. If you have any questions about your program compliance please contact [email protected].

๐Ÿ“‘ Learn more about the SMS compliance guidelines for US & Canada and the United Kingdom.

Frequency Capping

Frequency Capping can limit the number of messages that a contact receives in the SMS channel within a 24-hour time period. Frequency Capping is applied at the sender code level and would apply to all lists in a given sender code. You can specify the maximum number of messages a contact is eligible to receive. If a contact were to be eligible for more than the maximum number above the count any additional messages will be skipped.

Frequency Capping can help you maintain compliance with new and changing guidelines around the number of marketing related messages a contact can receive within a 24 hour period. A growing number of states in the US have implemented regulations limiting the number of messages to 3 or less from a given brand.

๐Ÿ’ก Helpful Tips

  • Messages in the Keyword or List Subscription flow are not included in the cap so that all data acquisition capabilities function correctly.

  • Transactional messages, including Shopify Plus transactional messages sent within Journey Hub, (e.g. order confirmation) are not included in the cap as they are not classified as marketing messages, but rather related to a direct update a contact has asked to receive about orders.

  • System Messages such as Help and Stop messaging are not included in cap because a contact is specifically asking for additional information.

  • Test messages are not included in the cap.

  • A count of capped messages will appear on the dashboard for broadcast messages and in Journey Hub visual analytics.

  • Capped Messages will be displayed in the message analytics to easily identify how many contacts did not receive a given send as a result of meeting their daily cap.

Quiet Hours

The quiet hours section allows you to enable an alert pop-up if a message is scheduled to go out between the hours of 8pm and 8am in a subscriber's time zone, which is based on the contact's area code. This timeframe has been defined for the United States by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and is not available for codes provisioned for other countries.

๐Ÿ’ก Helpful Tips

  • Enabling Quiet Hours will NOT prevent the message from being scheduled or delivered.

  • The 'Time Zone Optimized' setting will automatically be selected under the Schedule Message section for either the 'Schedule One-Time Send' or 'Schedule Recurring Send' scheduling options. This can be unchecked, you will receive an alert pop-up notifying you the message might be sent during quiet hours for some recipients.

Double Opt-In Response Window

The double opt-in response window is the amount of time Listrak will monitor inbound response to a a double opt-in prompt (asking a contact to reply Y) or an age gate response (a contact's birthday).

The default window is 24 hours. If a contact replies outside this window the HELP message is sent to a contact. This window can be set to 24, 48, or 72 hours.

SMS Conversations

The SMS Conversations section allows you to manage outbound responses to inbound unrecognized text messages. Listrak's SMS Two-Way Conversations Dashboard (Messages > SMS SMS Conversations) gives you the ability to see any responses from contacts to your SMS sender code that do not fit within another campaign (e.g. expected responses from a data acquisition campaign).

By default, the toggle is disable and these unexpected responses will trigger your System generated HELP messaging to deploy (based on what is configured in the system message below). Turning on the toggle* will stop these help messages from deploying and use a processing service to determine if a message should automatically be sent to the customer service team. If messages are being routed to your Customer Support team via Listrak's Two-Way SMS Integration this setting will be enabled when the integration is completed.

โš ๏ธ Turning on the toggle, which will disable system messaging, requires a message sender to ensure manual real time responses are provided in an appropriate and timely manner based on CTIA compliance guidelines. This toggle will automatically be disabled when the Two-Way SMS Integration process is complete, but can be disabled for non-integrated sender codes. Only disable this toggle if you can ensure all messages requiring an action (such as someone unsubscribing) to be responded to quickly.

System Messages

A sender code System Message is the automatic reply to a customer on any list on the sender code when they reply with a Keywords such as HELP, STOP, or an invalid response to a Data Acquisition request (FAILURE, INVALID REPLY).

Additional language support for system messaging is available for countries that have more than one primary spoken language in addition to English. System keywords will have the appropriate editing options for all languages supported for each country (e.g. French and English in Canada).

Use the arrow to open each message type to view the current setup or edit the messages.

Help: This message is sent if a contact texts help to the sender code or other aliases that have been defined and provides ways for the contact to engage with your brand, such as a customer service phone number. Canadian sender codes also include INFO and AIDE.

Stop: This message is sent to subscribers when they respond to any message with the word STOP, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, or QUIT, or any other aliases that have been defined. Canadian sender codes also include ARRET and ARRรŠT. The contact will be moved to Opt-ed Out status.

Failure: This is the message that is sent to subscribers when they respond to any Data Acquisition messages with invalid data more than 3 times.

Invalid Reply: This is the message that is sent to subscribers when they respond to any Data Acquisition messages and the response is not the expected format and therefore invalid data. For example, if you ask for an email address and somebody replies with 17554, thatโ€™s an invalid reply.

Two Way Invalid Reply: This option will only appear if you enable the SMS Conversations toggle. This message is sent instead of the help message, if the system determines this message should not be automatically be directed to the customer service team (e.g. if the contact does not ask a direct question). The message prompts the contact to reply with the keyword AGENT if they would like to speak with a representative.

๐Ÿ“‘ Learn more about the SMS compliance guidelines for US & Canada and the United Kingdom.

If you make any changes to the sender code settings, don't forget to Save Settings. If you have any questions about your SMS program please contact your Account Manager.

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