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Additional Contact Reporting

Learn more about the bounced contact, banned contact and contact hygiene report.

Updated over 2 years ago

Previous articles have explored reporting that will automatically generate as a result of sending messages, such as contact click and unsubscribed contact reporting.

Additional contact reporting available in Listrak will populate based on specific settings you enable in your messages or taking less common actions. Below you'll learn about additional reporting available.

Banned Contact Reporting

Banned Contact reporting displays information about contacts you have banned from a specific list. This reporting can be accessed under Analytics > Contact Analytics Banned Contacts.

The Banned Contact report will display contacts banned during a selected timeframe. Banned contacts up to the last 15 months will appear based on the date range selected. In the report, you will find a contact's email address, ban date, where they were banned from, and the reason. The reason is based on the value populated when banning a contact [link].

Changed Address Reporting

The changed address reporting displays information about contacts where their email address was updated in the Listrak system. This reporting can be accessed under Analytics > Contact Analytics Address Change.

Two types of address changes are recorded: Administrative Address Changes and Subscriber Address Changes. Administrative Address Changes are changes made within the Listrak platform. for example after a contact calls your customer service team and the Change a Contact's Address function is used. Subscriber Address Changes are changes made by a contact through a form on your site. Address Change functionality can be incorporated into forms such as the Preference Center.

The reporting will display a contact's old address, updated email address, the date the change was made, and the type of change. The results can be filtered to changes made in a specific timeframe.

Contact Hygiene Reporting

The Contact Hygiene report displays information about a contact's whose email address was updated in the Listrak system due to common spelling or typing errors. This reporting can be accessed under Analytics > Contact Analytics Contact Hygiene.

The Contact Hygiene functionality unsubscribes an incorrectly spelled email address and subscribes to corrected address. Listrak can detect common errors in the domain section of an email address. Misspellings in the main portion of an email address will not be corrected, but errors such as misspelling .com as .con or yahoo as yahooo would be updated.

The report displays information about the addresses changed in a selected timeframe. The incorrect email address, corrected email address, subscribe date of the incorrect email address (called addition date), and subscribe date of the new email address (called hygiene date).

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