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Unsubscribed Contacts Report

Learn how to access a dashboard focused on the contacts who've unsubscribed from your list to date.

Updated over 10 months ago

Monitoring and understanding list growth and losses plays an important role in the success of your e-marketing campaigns. Like the Subscribed Contacts Report, the Unsubscribed Contacts Report provides you with a detailed look at those contacts who have opted out of your list.

💡 This report displays data on the contacts who have unsubscribed from the list you are currently viewing.

To access the report, navigate to Analytics > Contact Analytics Unsubscribed Contacts.

Date Options

When navigating the dashboard, you can update the scope of data by adjusting the date range for the data using pre-built timeframes or selecting a custom timeframe using the calendar icons. By default the last 30 days of data is shown. Update the date range to one of the default values or use the calendar icons to adjust based on when a contact unsubscribed.

Pie and Bar Charts

The pie chart and bar chart provide two different views of the different methods contacts used to unsubscribe during the selected timeframe.

💡 Click any unsubscribe method to eliminate it from the bar graph to gain a deeper view of specific unsubscribe methods.

Managing Data

You can easily dive deeper into data or manage your data and dashboard by clicking on various parts of the dashboard.

  •  Resubscribe a contact from the list directly from the data grid by using the Green Plus Icon

  •  Use the Filter (funnel) Icon to narrow your search or filter contacts using their email address or subscribe date.

  • Click View Message Activity next to any individual email address to view information on how a contact engaged with messages prior to unsubscribing.

  • Use the Edit Filter icon to narrow your results based on a filter criteria.

  •  Click the Green Arrow or Print Icon to download a chart or the entire report.

  • Click on the Clock Icon to schedule an export of your report.

Unsubscribe Methods

The unsubscribe method column shows you the method by which the contact was removed from the list. Click on the column header to sort the list by method. Here are some of the most common methods:

  • Abuse Complaints: These contacts clicked the "Report as Spam" or "Report as Abuse" link or button.

  • Administrator: These contacts were removed from the list individually via Contacts > Subscribe/Unsubscribe Contacts or via an API method call such as UnsubscribeContact.

  • Aggregate Bounces: The contacts were unsubscribed after reaching the designated number of bounces across all lists and removed based on the number of bounces set in your list settings.

  • Aggregate Complaint: These contacts clicked the "Report as Spam" or "Report as Abuse" button or link while in another list and were removed from based on your current list settings. 

  • Aggregate Invalid Address: The contact returned a SMTP code for invalid address on a different list and was removed.

  • Bounces: These contacts were unsubscribed after reaching the designated number of bounces set in your list settings. 

  • Invalid Address: These contacts returned a specific SMTP code that determined they do not exist. 

  • List Hygiene: These contacts were removed because their original addresses were invalid due to common misspellings or typos, but were re-subscribed with a valid email address. View the Contact Hygiene report for more details.

  • List Import: These contacts were included in a file uploaded to the List Import Wizard using the Unsubscribed Contact import type.

  • List-Unsubscribe: These contacts clicked a message such as "You're subscribed to this mailing list. Unsubscribe," which is automatically inserted into certain inboxes when the list settings option for "Automatically Insert List-Unsubscribe Header" is enabled.

  • Subscriber: These contacts clicked the unsubscribe link within the message, or filled out and submitted an unsubscribe form.

  • Suppression: These contacts were added to an existing suppression list that is attached to the current list.

  • Administrative Address Change: These contacts had their email address changed by an administrator in Listrak using the Change a Contact's Address function. The new email address was subscribed and the old address was unsubscribed.

  • Subscriber Address Change: These contacts completed a change email address form after clicking the change address link in an email. Their new email address was subscribed and the old address was unsubscribed.

Message Activity Report

The contact details page contains data specific to the activity of the selected contact. This page also includes an additional option in the footer area to choose to include all lists to view all activity across all lists for the selected contact during the time set.

  • Subject: This field displays the subject line of the message.

  • Message Type: This fields designates whether the message is a list or conversation message. Conversation messages belong to conversations built in Listrak Conductor. 

  • Send Date: This field displays the date the message was sent. 

  • Bounce Reason: This field lists the reason a contact bounced, if applicable. 

  • Open Date: This field displays the date the contact opened the message. If this field is empty, the contact did not open the message.

  • Read: This field shows if the contact read the message. A green check denotes that the contact read the message while the red X means that they did not.

  • Clicks: This field shows the number of total clicks by the contact for the message.

  • Unsubscribed: This field shows if a contact has unsubscribed from the message. A green check denotes that the contact has unsubscribed from the message while the red X means that they did not.

📌 Understanding what messages lead to a contact unsubscribing can help you gain a better understanding of the motivators of your different types of contacts.

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