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Subscribed Contacts Report

Learn how to access a dashboard focused on your subscribed contacts to date and their method of subscription.

Updated over 2 years ago

Monitoring list growth through acquisition plays an important role in the success of your email marketing campaigns. The Subscribed Contacts Report provides you with a detailed look at your subscribers over time and their methods of subscription. This report will show the subscribers on the list you are currently viewing. This report shows any contacts who subscribed in the timeframe specified, however contacts may have since unsubscribed.

The Subscribed Contacts Report is available under Analytics > Contact Analytics Subscribed Contacts.

Filtering Options

By default, subscribers acquired over the last 30 days are displayed. Use the pre-set date range selector or calendar icon to select the dates you would like to view. Click Update to refresh the graphics and load the email addresses associated with subscribers during the time period.

๐Ÿ’ก The subscribe date always reflects the initial subscription date. So, if a contact is unsubscribed and then resubscribed, the initial subscription date is reflected in this report.

Pie Chart and Graph View

The subscribed contacts analytics page contains two helpful graphs. The bar graph displays the number of contacts subscribed to the list on a given day. Hovering over each bar will display the total number of contacts at the end of the day and the number of existing contacts who were on the list at the end of the last period.

๐Ÿ’ก In the legend, click on a specific contact subscribe method to remove it from the bar chart.

The pie chart breaks down new subscribers during the selected timeframe based on their subscription method.

Contact Grid

The grid displays the following 3 pieces of information:

You can limit the view of contacts by:

  • Using the filter at the top of the chart to filter by email address characteristics or subscription method.

  • Clicking the Edit Filter button and using Listrak's Legacy Filter capabilities to determine a group of contacts.

View Message Activity

Clicking on the Message Activity link that appears after a contact's email address access a report that contains data on the email engagement of the selected contact.

๐Ÿ’ก Hover over a contact's email address to see the link

  • Subject: This field displays the subject line of the message.

  • Message Type: This fields designates whether the message is a list or conversation message. Conversation messages belong to conversations built in Listrak Conductor.ย 

  • Send Date: This field displays the date the message was sent.ย 

  • Bounce Reason: This field lists the reason a contact bounced, if applicable.ย 

  • Open Date: This field displays the date the contact opened the message. If this field is empty, the contact did not open the message.

  • Read: This field shows if the contact read the message. A green check denotes that the contact read the message while the red X means that they did not.

  • Clicks: This field shows the number of total clicks by the contact for the message.

  • Unsubscribed: This field shows if a contact has unsubscribed from the message. A green check denotes that the contact has unsubscribed from the message while the red X means that they did not.

Subscription Methods

The method column shows you the method by which the contact was added to the list. Click on the column header to sort the list by method. Here are some of the most common methods:

  • Administrator: Subscribed by a Listrak subscription point, Contact Subscribe API call, or using the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Contacts form.

  • List Import: These contacts were subscribed as part of a one-time or recurring list import or using the BulkLoadContacts API function.

  • Subscriber: These contacts clicked the subscribe link within the message, or filled out and submitted a subscribe form created in form code.

  • List Hygiene: A process that attempts to correct a contact's email due to common misspellings like .con instead of .com by unsubscribing the misspelled email and subscribing the corrected email address.

  • Suppression: Contacts were removed from the list because their email address was moved to a suppression list also tied to your current list.

  • Administrative Address Change: These contacts' addresses were changed individually using Contacts>Change A Contact's Address.

  • Subscriber Address Change: These contacts changed their address by using a change address form in your email or on your site.

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