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Create an Email Sign-up Anniversary Campaign

Learn more about how to set up an Email sign-up Anniversary Campaign with Listrak.

Updated over 2 years ago

An Anniversary Campaign is a great way to thank and reward your customers for being loyal to your brand. A sign-up anniversary campaign celebrates a contact one year after they initially joined your email master list.

First, this article walks through how to set up a new campaign, including new subscribers. Then, add existing subscribers to this campaign.

Initial Setup

The initial setup will walk through creating the elements that will be used in the campaign, including the anniversary message.

Creating Coupon Profile Fields

⚠️ If you'd like to include a coupon in this message, please follow the coupon segmentation section. Otherwise, you may skip this section.

The coupon profile field is needed if you want to send your customers a dynamic coupon or an easily changed static coupon. The profile field will store the coupon value an can then be referenced in the message itself.

A profile field is unique to each list, so ensure you are on the correct list, in this example that will be the Master List.

  1. Once on the correct list, navigate to Contacts > Email Contacts Profile Fields.

  2. Then Create Field Group.

  3. Name the field group.

    1. Do not select a template.

    2. Click Save.

  4. Enter Coupon for the Field Name.

    1. Ensure the Text data type is selected.

    2. Click the Save icon.

  5. If your coupon includes an expiration date, enter ExpirationDate as a field name.

    1. Ensure the Date data type is selected.

    2. Click the Save icon.

External Events

An external event can connect information from your website to your Conductor Conversations. Connect your subscription points from your website to automatically send new subscribers into your Anniversary campaign.

⚠️ If you already have subscription points set up for a Welcome Series, please skip this section. If you do not already have subscription points set up, please continue below.

  1. Follow the Listrak Subscription Point Integration to pass information from the form on your website to Listrak.

  2. Navigate to your list where the campaign is being built.

  3. Navigate to Automation > Conductor External Events.

  4. Click New Event Group.

    1. Enter Anniversary Campaign.

    2. Click Create Event Group.

  5. Click New Event.

    1. Enter the name of the subscription point.

    2. Select Anniversary Campaign from the drop-down menu for the group.

    3. Click Create Event.

  6. Repeat step 5 for any additional subscription points.

Create a Message

Anniversary messages can be created in both HTML and Listrak Composer. Anniversary messages can include many different types of personalization, including Dynamic Content, Product Recommendations, and coupons.

Learn more about these options in the following guides:

Conversation Setup

After you've finished building and testing your Anniversary Campaign message, you are ready to build your automated campaign in Listrak Conductor that handles the campaign logic.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Conductor Conversations.

  2. Click New Conversation.

    1. Enter Anniversary Campaign for the New Conversation Name.

    2. Select the One Year of Anniversary Signup template.

    3. Click Create Conversation.

  3. Click the Trigger Step called Subscription Points Trigger.

    1. Assign all your Subscription Points external events by clicking the + icon.

    2. Click Update.

  4. Click the Goto Anniversary Thread step.

    1. Click the Advanced tab.

    2. Click the Limit Redirects to radio button.

    3. Enter a number of times you would like to see the person loop through this campaign (maximum 200).

      💡 Use this number of times if you want a contact to be eligible to receive the sign-up anniversary message more than one time through the course of their relationship with the brand. E.g. second anniversary of sign up.

    4. Click Update.

  5. Click the Goto Wait One Year step.

    1. Click the Advanced tab.

    2. Click the Limit Redirects radio button.

    3. Enter a number of times you would like to see the person loop through this campaign (maximum 200).

      💡 The number indicates the number of times a contact will be directed back to the waiting thread. The more times a contact is allowed into the wait thread, the more they will be able to receive messages.

    4. Click Update.

  6. Click the Set Coupon step.

    1. For a static coupon, select the Update Segment Field With Value option, select the coupon profile field created earlier, enter a value for a coupon code that works on your website, and click Update.

    2. For dynamic coupons, select the Set Coupon Code option, a coupon pool, then the coupon profile field created earlier, and click Update.

    3. If you are not including a coupon, delete the step.

  7. Click the Signup Anniversary Message step.

    1. Click Edit a Saved Message.

    2. Select the Anniversary Campaign Message that was created in the previous section.

  8. Navigate to the Analytics Integration.

    1. If you're using a Google Analytics integration, enter a Campaign Name. E.g. Anniversary.

    2. Enter the Campaign Content. E.g. Message 1

    3. Under Listrak Conversion Analytics, select Anniversary for the Campaign Type.

    4. Enter a Campaign Name. E.g Anniversary

    5. Enter a Version. E.g. Message 1

  9. At the bottom of the page, click Commit Message.

  10. On the confirmation page, click Commit Message to Conversation.


Publishing the Conversation will allow net new subscribers to enter the top thread when signing up and subscribing on the website. After clicking Publish and waiting a few days, viewing the Visual Analytics for the published campaign will show contacts in the wait one year step.

If you'd like to enhance your Anniversary Campaign, click here to learn more about adding your existing subscribers to this campaign. 

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