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Add and Update Listrak Account Users

Learn how to add new Listrak users or update their information or user permissions.

Updated over 6 months ago

You can add new users or modify permissions for those users easily by following these steps. You may need to add new users as your team expands or update their permissions as people take on different roles in your organization.

⚠️ If you have integrated a Single Sign-On Platform with Listrak, users should be created in your SSO platform, not within Listrak.

To access the information about users, navigate to Account > Account User Manager.

Create New Users

  1. At the bottom of the page, click Create New User.

  2. Fill out the new user information.

    ⚠️ The following are required fields: Username, Password, First Name, Email, and access to at least one list.

  3. Select which lists the user can access. 

    💡 List access controls which email lists appear in the list drop-down. If a user should build, send, or view analytics for messages on a list, make sure they are granted access.

  4. Select Email Template access for the user.

    1. Only templates that a user has been granted access to will appear as options when loading a template in the message authoring experience.

    2. A user can also be granted access in the template manager under the content menu.

    3. ⚠️ The ability to create/edits Templates is only available to Admin Users.

  5. Select access permissions for the user. A description of each option can be
    found below.

  6. Once you've checked off all of the user's access options, click Add User.

Edit Existing Users

  1. On the User Manager page, click on the user you want to update.

  2. Make updates to their user information, list, template, or access permissions.

  3. Click Commit Changes.

⚠️ You cannot make certain changes to your own user.

Permission Glossary

  • Granted Access: Granted access determines the level of access available to a user: select Admin Access or Role Based Access. If role-based access is chosen, you'll be given the opportunity to set additional permissions to be attached to each role. Selecting multiple role-based permission types grants the user the combined benefits of each permission.

  • Admin Access: This permission grants the user full access to the Listrak account; including creating/editing Templates.

  • Role Based Access: This permission level is customizable and allows you to select from these access options. 

    • Author Access: allows the user to create and send messages to any list the user is granted access to. Users will be able to access content in the Messages, Content, Solutions, and Help & Support navigations.

    • Analytics Access: allows the user to view analytics related to the lists they have access to and view information about your customers and products. Users will be able to access content in the Dashboards, Content, Analytics, Solutions, and Help & Support navigations.

    • Settings Access: allows the user to access content in the Settings navigation as well as Journey configuration. This access must be used in conjunction with other role based access to allow users to make changes to the overall properties of your Listrak account.

    • Manage Access: allows the user to create, delete, and maintain any available lists and contacts subscribed to the list. Users will be able to access content in the Dashboards, Contacts, Analytics, and Solutions navigation. This setting is often used in conjunction with settings access to be able to adjust list properties. Manage access must be granted to users who want to create segments in the NextGen platform.

    • Segment Access: allows the user to create and/or modify segments and field groups for any available lists as well as Journeys. This access must be used in conjunction with other role based access. Segment access allows users to determine who should receive emails and manage profile data saved on your lists.

    • Billing Access: allows the user to view and pay invoices. This access must be used in conjunction with Manage Access.

    • API Access: allows the user to perform programmatic API calls for any available lists. This access should be used in conjunction with other manage access.

    • Approver Access: allows the user to be added as an approver on the list settings page for any available lists. Users will have access to the Help & Support menu and Dashboards navigations. Approver Access should be used in conjunction with other access, most commonly with Authoring access.

    • SMS Access: allows the user to access SMS related content, including in the Messages navigation.

    • Push Access: allows the user to access Push related content, including the Messages navigation.

💡 A few things to note:

  • Typically API users are granted full access to the account via Admin Access. This can also be accomplished via Role Based Access by selecting all permissions except Billing Access and Approver Access.

  • Listrak allows up to fifteen users. Additional users can be added for a fee. Contact your Account Manager for details.

  • The ability to create/edit Integrations is only available to Admin Users. The integrations item will not appear in the navigation for other users.

  • The ability to create/edit Templates is only available to Admin Users. Other users will only have access to use Templates, provided they are given that access under the Email Templates section.

Admin Users

All Other Users

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