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SMS List Subscription Campaign Dashboard

Learn more about the performance of your list subscription campaigns.

Updated over 5 months ago

View analytics about List Subscription acquisition campaigns as a whole or manage active and completed campaigns. Access this dashboard by navigating to Messages > SMS SMS List Subscription. πŸ’‘ If you have multiple sender codes, you will need to select the correct sender code from list navigation dropdown menu.

πŸ“‘ Click on a topic below to learn more about it:

Page Navigation

  • Opt-ins Graph: Displays the number of contacts acquired per day over a 30-day rolling window.

  • Subscriptions: The total number of unique contacts acquired by opting in through this method during the lifespan of the sender code.

  • Sent Messages: The total number of messages sent out via all List Subscription Campaigns during the lifespan of the sender code.

  • Active/Complete Tabs: View the list of campaigns based on their status.

    • Active Campaigns: Campaigns that are currently running and haven't reached their end date (if applicable).

    • Completed Campaigns: Campaigns that have been deactivated.

  • Export Contacts (icon): Export campaign details from the specific tab.

  • Name: The name given to the campaign.

  • List Name: The list to which the contacts will be subscribed to.

  • Start Date: The date the campaign began.

  • Opt-in: The number of opt-ins generated from the campaign.

    πŸ’‘ A opt-in is unique to a sender code. If a phone number already exists on your sender code, as it was acquired from another campaign, it would not count towards your opt-ins represented on the current campaign dashboard.

  • Revenue: The all time revenue generated from the campaign.

  • Conversions: The number of contacts who clicked through the campaign and then made a purchase from your site.

    πŸ’‘ Click the Plus Sign icon to the left of the name to expose this data.

  • All List Dropdown: Choose a list from the dropdown to display contacts that have opted into the selected list. (Defaults to show All Lists).

  • Search: Search the list by campaign name.

  • Sort: Use this function to sort columns.

  • Show/Hide Column: Customize your grid with the areas you want to view.

Manage Campaigns

Campaigns are organized based on their statuses - Active or Complete, click the tab name to view the list of campaign within each group.

In addition to viewing campaigns, Active campaigns can be edited or deactivated.

  • To begin, select the checkbox to the left of the campaign name to enable the action buttons.

  • Select the action to enter into the campaign to make changes. Options include:

    • Edit: Allows certain elements such as the Campaign Name, Analytics Settings or message content Campaign name, message content (coupon code) to be modified. Only for Active and Scheduled Campaigns.

    • Deactivate: This will disable the campaign. Select this option if you want to temporarily or permanently disable it.

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