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SMS Keyword Campaign Dashboard

Learn more about the performance of your keyword campaigns.

Updated over 5 months ago

View analytics about Keyword acquisition campaigns as a whole or drill down to review individual campaigns. In addition, from this dashboard you can manage active, scheduled, and completed keyword campaigns. Access this dashboard by navigating to Messages > SMS SMS Keyword. πŸ’‘ If you have multiple sender codes, you will need to select the correct sender code from list navigation dropdown menu.

πŸ“‘ Click on a topic below to learn more about it:

Page Navigation

  • Opt-ins Graph: Displays the number of contacts acquired per day over a 30-day rolling window.

  • Subscriptions: The total number of unique contacts acquired by texting in a configured keyword during the lifespan of the sender code.

  • Sent Messages: The total number of messages sent out via all Keyword Campaigns during the lifespan of the sender code.

  • Active/Scheduled/Complete Tabs: View the list of campaigns based on their status.

    • Active Campaigns: Campaigns that are currently running and haven't reached their end date (if applicable).

    • Scheduled Campaigns: Campaigns that scheduled to start in the future.

    • Completed Campaigns: Campaigns that have reached their end date or have been deactivated.

  • Export (icon): Export campaign details from the specific tab.

  • Name: The name given to the keyword campaign.

  • Keyword: The unique keyword associated with the campaign.

  • List Name: The list to which the contacts will be subscribed to.

  • Start Date: The date the keyword campaign began or is scheduled to begin.

  • End Date: The date that the keyword campaign will be completed.

  • Opt-in: The number of opt-ins generated from the campaign.

    πŸ’‘ A opt-in is unique to a sender code. If a phone number already exists on your sender code, as it was acquired from another campaign, it would not count towards your opt-ins represented on the current campaign dashboard.

  • Revenue: The all time revenue generated from the campaign.

  • Conversions: The number of contacts who clicked through the campaign and then made a purchase from your site.

    πŸ’‘ Click the Plus Sign icon to the left of the name to expose this data.

  • All List Dropdown: Choose a list from the dropdown to display contacts that have opted into the selected list. (Defaults to show All Lists).

  • Search: Search the list by campaign name.

  • Sort: Use this function to sort columns.

  • Show/Hide Column: Customize your grid with the areas you want to view.

Manage Campaigns

Campaigns are organized based on their statuses - Active, Scheduled and Complete, click the tab name to view the list of campaign within each group.

In addition to viewing campaigns, there are various actions that can be done to any campaign such as making edits, deactivating or duplicating a campaign.

  • To begin, select the checkbox to the left of the campaign name to enable the action buttons.

  • Select the action to enter into the campaign to make changes. Options include:

    • Edit: Allows certain elements such as the Campaign Name, Analytics Settings or message content Campaign name, message content (coupon code) to be modified. Only for Active and Scheduled Campaigns.

    • Deactivate: This will disable the campaign. Select this option if you want to temporarily or permanently disable it. Only for Active and Scheduled Campaigns.

    • Duplicate: This will replicate the campaign. This an efficient way to create a new Keyword Campaign by using an existing campaign as a starting point.

Campaign Performance

To access the Campaign Performance Dashboard, click on the Campaign Name to see the detailed view of how a specific campaign is performing.

  • The Keyword is displayed at the top of page.

  • Date Selector: The date selector allows you to adjust the time frame for your report view. The metrics in your report will update to show data for the selected time frame - default is set to the last 30 days.

  • Opt-Ins Graph: Displays the number of contacts acquired per day during the selected time frame.

  • New Subscriptions: The number of new subscribers who have opted-in during the selected time frame.

  • Opt-Ins/Day: The average number of opt-ins/day during the selected time frame.

  • Conversions: The number of contacts who clicked through the campaign and then made a purchase from your site during the selected time frame.

  • Revenue: The revenue generated from the campaign during the selected time frame.

  • Associated List: The list to which the contacts are subscribed to.

Campaign Conversation

The Campaign Conversation displays the message sequence as it was configured in the Keyword Campaign composition editor.

This is an example of a Data Acquisition Keyword Campaign


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