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Configuring Decision Splits in Journey Hub

Learn more about how to use decision splits when creating a journey.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Decision element in Journey Hub allows a contact to receive a different flow of messages and logic if they meet the criteria of the condition. Most decision split types include up to 10 configurable paths, each containing its own set of criteria and a unique exit step. The exit step will remove the contact from a journey when they meet the criteria defined in that path.

Want to know how to configure or manage your decision splits, click here to learn more!

Split Types and Criteria

Subscription Split

The subscription decision split allows you to change a contact's path through a journey based on how they subscribed to a journey, when they subscribed, and if they are a resubscirber. Read about the different conditions available in the subscription split below.

  • Resubscriber Criteria

    Using the resubscribe condition there are two channels to target resubscribers, contacts who had previously unsubscribed from a list and are now resubscribing. Target email resubscribes in a List Subscription Journey or SMS resubscribes in an SMS List Subscription Journey by selecting the specific list a contact is resubscribing to in the email or SMS channel.

  • Existing Subscriber Criteria

    This NextGen Platform-specific criteria identifies contacts who are already subscribed in the email channel. Target these contacts separately from new or resubscribing contacts with unique messaging, perhaps excluding them from an offer that they would have received during initial signup.

  • List Subscription Status

    The List Subscription Status condition allows you to target contacts based on if they are currently subscribed or not subscribed to a list on either the email or SMS channel. The Email List and SMS List options are available in all journey entry event types. When setting up a split based on a List Subscription status, select the type of list and then use the list drop-down to select a list or multiple lists.

    πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

    • This setting can be used to target groups that are cross-subscribed to multiple lists.

    • When selecting multiple lists, if a contact is subscribed to at least one list, they will be directed down the (yes) path.

  • Subscription Source

    The SMS subscription source condition is only available in the SMS List Subscription entry event journey and allows you to change a contact's path based on the source of the SMS subscription on a selected list. Use the multi-select option to select single or multiple subscription sources. When selecting multiple lists, if a contact is subscribed via any of the sources, they will be directed down the yes path.

  • SMS Carrier

    The SMS Carrier condition allows you to target contacts based on their mobile carrier; options include T-Mobile, Verizon, Other or Unknown. You can also use the multi-select feature to include more than one option in a single condition.

    πŸ’‘ Use this option to tailor content based on the industry's SMS cart reminder policies and guidelines.

  • Opt-in Status

    The Opt-in status allows you to target SMS contacts based on how they opted-in to your SMS program and/or if they gave consent to receive SMS cart reminder messages. Options include Single Opt-in, Single Opt-in and SCA Compliant, Double Opt-in, or Double Opt-in and SCA Complaint statuses. You can also use the multi-select feature to include more than one option.

    πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

  • Subscription Date

    The Subscription Date condition allows you to target contacts based on when they subscribed to a specific SMS or email list. Date options like today, is more than, or is between a specific date range are available and can be configured in any journey. When configuring this decision split, select the condition for email or SMS, the specific list, and then the date options based on your specific strategy.

  • Event Type

    This NextGen-specific condition allows you to target contacts in a Subscription journey type based on what marketing channel they used to subscribe. Any provisioned channels will appear in the split, allowing you to message a contact in any or all channels they used to subscribe.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates specifically to how, when, or if they are resubscribing for a second time to either your email or SMS program.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Engagement Split

Engagement splits allow you to change a contact's path based on how they interacted with a message. Engagement splits can change a path based on email or SMS messages.

  • Email: Email engagement splits can be triggered when someone opened or clicked through a specified journey email or when someone clicked on a specific link in a specified journey email.

    πŸ’‘ Use Title Tags to make it easier to determine which link you want to use in this split.

  • SMS: SMS engagement splits can be triggered when someone clicks through a link in a specified SMS message.

⚠️ Important Considerations:

  • Engagement splits can only measure engagement for SMS or email messages sent in a journey.

  • Engagement splits require a wait step prior to the split. The duration of the wait step determines how long Listrak will wait to see if a contact took the specific action before sending them down the "Yes" path or the "No" path.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates specifically to how or when a contact engaged with the email or SMS messages in the journey.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Purchase History Split

Purchase history splits allow you to change a contact's path based on the number of purchases a contact has made, the amount of money a contact has spent, or the specific product information.

  • Number of Purchases: For a specific merchant, set criteria for how many purchases a contact has made, including a specific number of purchases, less than a threshold, or more than a threshold.

  • Sum of All Order Totals: For a specific merchant, set criteria for how much a contact has spent across all orders, including a specific value, less than a value, or more than a value.

  • Purchase Date: For a specific merchant, set criteria based on the date of a customer's first or most recent purchase. Utilize relative dates like more or less than a number of days ago, or use absolute dates by selecting a date a specific calendar date.

  • Product Information: For a specific merchant, set criteria about the categories, subcategories, specific SKUs, brands, and other information such as product gender or size. You can determine if the product with the specified attribute was purchased in the most recent order or in any order a contact has placed. Use the file upload option to quickly format a decision path.

    πŸ’‘ The information available will be populated with the information provided about a product based on the Listrak Product Schema.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates specifically to what a contact has purchased, how many times they have purchased, or even how much money they have spent.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Order Details Split

An order details split allows you to change a contact's path based on the entire order or the specific items ordered in the purchase event that entered them into the journey. Order details splits are available in purchase, winback, and transactional journeys.

  • Order Item Details: This series of criteria allows a contact to be directed down a specific path if at least one item in an order meets a certain criteria. The criteria include: SKU, Price, Item Properties (Size, Color, Style etc.), Shipping Information, and Order Item Meta information.

    πŸ’‘ This information available will be populated with the information passed to Listrak in the Order Items Schema.

  • Order Details: This series of criteria allows a contact to be directed down a specific path if their order meets specific criteria. The criteria include: Order Date, Order Total, Discount Information, Shipping Information, Order Status, Order Source, and Order Meta information. Use the file upload option to quickly format a decision path.

    πŸ’‘ This information available will be populated with the information passed to Listrak in the Order Schema.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates specifically to what was purchased in their order.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Cart Details Split

A cart details split allows you to change a contact's path based on the items abandoned in a contact's cart that entered them into the journey. Cart details splits are only available in cart abandonment journeys.

  • Cart Item Information: This series of criteria allows a contact to be directed down a specific path if at least one item in their cart meets a certain criteria. The criteria, including SKU, category, color, and more, is based on the SKU passed to Listrak when a cart is abandoned.

    πŸ’‘ The information available will be populated with the information provided about a product based on the Listrak Product Schema.

  • Cart Information: Set criteria for the total value of items in the abandoned cart or the total number of items in the cart. These criteria will incorporate all items and allow you to set criteria including is greater than, is greater than or equal to, is less than, is less than or equal to, and is a specific cart value or number of items. Use the file upload option to quickly format a decision path.

  • At least one product has an image: Change a contact's path if none of the products in a contact's cart contain an image URL. Use this split to send a generic message or to prevent a contact from receiving a message if it does not have the correct product image information or remove them from receiving a message.

  • Cart Abandonment Date: Change a contact's path based on the date their cart was abandoned. Use a relative date (e.g. more than 2 days ago) or absolute calendar date (e.g. the specific date of Black Friday) when determining criteria.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates specifically to the products abandoned in a contact's cart.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Product Browse Details Split

A product browse details split allows you to change a contact's path based on the specific product browsed that entered them into the journey. Product browse details splits are only available in product browse abandonment journeys.

  • Browsed Item Information: This series of criteria allows a contact to be directed down a specific path if at least one of the items they browsed meets a certain criteria. The criteria include: SKU, Category, Color, and more. Use the file upload option to quickly format a decision path.

    πŸ’‘ The information available will be based on the information provided about a product based on the Listrak Product Schema.

  • At least one product has an image: Change a contact's path through a campaign if the product that they browsed has a product image URL. This option allows you to take an action, like send a generic lifestyle-based message if a contact's product does not have an image that can be featured in the email.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates to specific attributes of products browsed and abandoned by a contact.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Page Browse Details Split

A page browse details split allows you to change a contact's path based on the specific page browsed that entered them into the journey. Page browse details splits are only available in page browse abandonment journey.

Set criteria to determine if the link of browsed page is, contains, or does not contain a specific series of entered characters. If the link of the page browsed meets this criteria, the contact will be directed down the "Yes" path.

πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

  • Use page browse detail split for category browse abandonment.

  • Multiple path page browse details splits with values configured to match your brand's category link structure can help direct contact's down paths and experiences specific to certain categories.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create a different path that relates to specific web pages browsed by a contact.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Channel Affinity Split

A channel affinity split allows you to prioritize different channels of your multichannel marketing campaign for contacts who are subscribed across more than one channel.

There are two ways to prioritize across channel: by channel type or based on a contact's status on a specific list. Once a channel affinity split has been added to the canvas, adjust the properties in the elements panel.

To prioritize by channel type, drag the channels in the order you wish to prioritize them.

In the screenshot below, contacts who are subscribed to more than one channel will receive an SMS message if they are opted into SMS.

To adjust priority based on a contact's subscription status, change the toggle under channel priority to on. Then specify the specific list or sender code a contact must be to subscribed to in order to prioritize a specific channel.

In the screenshot below, contacts subscribed to the SMS sender code will receive an SMS message. If a contact is subscribed to a different SMS sender code and the Style - Consumer List they will receive the email message.

⚠️ Helpful Tips

  • Multiple Paths are not available in this Split Type.

  • Only available in Subscription, Segment, Custom and SMS Inbound Entry Event types.

AI Channel Affinity Split

This NextGen Platform-specific split determines which subscribed channel a contact has a engaged with the most. As a result, the contact will only receive messages to that channel regardless of the number of channels the contact is subscribed to.

  1. This toggle enables the enhanced functionality to determine a contact's preferred channel.

  2. This toggle allows you to determine which channels you want to target in a journey. πŸ’‘ By default all enabled channels are toggled on. If the journey is consists of just an email and an SMS path, then turn off the channels that are not a part of the journey.

  3. Drag the channels in the order you wish to prioritize them. If a contact's preferred channel cannot be determined, they will go down the first path they are subscribed to in the journey. If a contact's preferred channel cannot be determined and they are not subscribed to any of the prioritized channels, they will go down the default path.

Example using AI Channel Affinity Split in a Journey

  1. John is subscribed to both the email channel ([email protected]) and to the SMS channel (888-555-1234). John engaged with the email channel 5 times, SMS channel 3 times. He would receive email to [email protected].

πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

  • A domain must have more than one channel for this split to be applicable.

  • This is NOT available in Subscription, Segment, Custom and SMS Inbound Entry Event types.

  • The first attempt to determine a contact's preferred channel will occur one day after channel subscription. A contact's preferred channel will be re-evaluated every day thereafter.

  • A contact's preferred channel will be considered unknown for the following reasons:

    • The contact has not subscribed to any marketing list for the domain the journey is created for.

    • The contact has subscribed to at least one marketing list; however, the subscription took place took place today and channel affinity has not yet been calculated.

    • The contact has subscribed to at least one marketing list; however, the contact does not have enough activity for Listrak to make an informed decision on their channel preference.

  • If Listrak is able to retrieve data to match multiple channel identifies to a single contact, their preferred channel will not update until the following day.

Random Split

A random split allows contacts to be randomly split into groups. Random splits allow you to easily split test variables in your journey messaging.

Random splits allow you to adjust the percentage of the list that will be directed down each path of a random split. By default, 50% of a journey's participants will be directed down each path.

⚠️ The percentage total must equal 100% to be activated.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create more than 2 split test variations.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Custom Event Split

A custom event details split allows you to change a contact's path based on the data passed as part of your custom event in the Event Properties. Custom Event Details splits are only available in Custom Event journeys.

The specific criteria you configure in the split will depend on the Data Type selected when configuring the Custom Event.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create more than 2 split test variations.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Profile Field Split

The profile field decision split is a NextGen Platform-specific decision split that allows you to change a contact's path based on the value stored in their profile fields that store contact meta data.

The specific criteria you configure in the split will depend on the type of data stored in the profile field. The split can evaluate for a specific value, list of values, or a range of options based on the configuration of your data.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

You may need or prefer to create more than 2 split test variations.

Click here to learn how to create multiple paths, apply the conditions and specify the way the contact can exit the journey. You can easily create unique logic and apply different messages for each path you have created.

Segment Split

The profile field decision split is a NextGen Platform-specific decision split that allows you to change a contact's path based on if they are a member of a selected NextGen segment.

πŸ”€ Want to use Multiple Paths in a Decision Split instead?

A single segment can be specified in each path of the split. If a contact is a member of multiple of the selected segments, they will be directed down the path for the first segment where they meet the membership requirements. Paths are evaluated from left to right. Click here to learn how to create multiple paths.

Configuring a Decision Split

There are several options on how you can use a Decision Split in your journey, review the examples below to see which one works best for your strategy.

Using the File Upload Option

When configuring a split that harnesses product data, such as SKU or product title, you may want to target a large number of products without manually typing in the details. The file upload option allows you to import a CSV file containing these product details to limit the amount of manual input needed.

The File Upload option is available in the Purchase History, Order Details, Cart Details, and Product Browse Details splits. The option will appear for any criteria in these splits that is stored as text. It is not available for options such as number of orders or date fields. When configuring multiple paths you are able to upload a file for each path.

⚠️ Maximum file size is 500kb

Two paths

The default number of paths for every decision split is two - a single condition is defined and if a contact meets the requirements they are sent down the Yes path. If not, they are sent down the No path.

To configure:

  1. Click the decision element once it has been added to the canvas.

  2. Use the elements properties panel on the left to define the Yes path's condition.

    1. Naming the split is optional but recommended.

    2. Adding notes to a split is optional.

  3. Add the applicable elements to each path.

  4. OPTIONAL - Add a non-configurable Exit Action Step to the Yes path to remove the contact from the journey when they meet the criteria defined for that path.

    1. Naming the Exit Action Step is optional.

      ⚠️ Rules applied to the Exit Event have precedence over any exit step added to a path.

Multiple paths

A single decision split can further be divided up to 10 times. Each path is defined by a condition and a corresponding exit step. The contact will be sent down the first path they meet the requirements to, then they will be removed from the journey when they hit the exit step of that path.

πŸ’‘ You can manage the priority of the paths by changing their order in the property panel.

To configure:

  1. Click the decision element once it has been added to the canvas.

  2. Use the elements properties panel on the left to define the Yes path's condition.

  3. Click Add Path to add a new path to the decision split.

    ⚠️ The last path will become a non-configurable default path.

  4. Click Edit inside the path to configure each new path

    1. Give the path a unique name

    2. Select the condition

    3. Click Apply

  5. Add elements to each path.

  6. Repeat steps 3-5 to add additional paths to the decision split.

  7. OPTIONAL - Add a non-configurable Exit Action Step to any path to remove the contact from the journey when they meet the criteria defined for that path.

    1. Naming the Exit Action Step is optional.

      ⚠️ Rules applied to the Exit Event have precedence over any exit step added to a path. For example, if a Purchase Event rule was applied to the Exit Event above, a contact would be removed from the journey immediately after making a purchase.

Nested splits

A journey can also include multiple types of decision splits. In this scenario, the subsequent decision types will become 'nested' within each other.

πŸ’‘ Create tailored experiences by adding a decision split into a path of a previous decision. You can nest up to 5 decision splits within a path.

To configure:

  • Within any path added to the journey, simply add a new decision type.

  • Follow the configuration steps listed above for either a Two path or Multiple paths decision split type.

Managing Decision Splits

Learn how to edit, duplicate or delete decision splits.

Options for editing a path

  • You can change the order of the paths by doing the following:

    1. Click the decision split on the canvas to open the property panel.

    2. Click the stack of blocks icon on the left side of the path you want to move.

    3. Drag it above or below another change to reassign its location.

      πŸ’‘ Hierarchy reads top to bottom in the property panel, left to right on the canvas.

  • Any element on the canvas can be moved/dragged to another location.

  • You cannot add multiple paths to an existing decision split, you will need to do the following steps:

    • Add the updated replacement decision type.

    • Configure the new decision type.

    • Delete the original two-path split.

    • Reactive the journey.

  • You cannot add an Exit Action step to an existing decision split, you will need to do the following steps:

    • Add the updated replacement decision type.

    • Configure the new decision type.

    • Add the Exit Action step to any applicable path.

    • Delete the original two-path split.

    • Reactive the journey.

How to duplicate a path

  1. Click the decision split on the canvas to open the property panel.

  2. Click the duplicate a path icon inside the path you want to duplicate.

    πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

    • The path must be configured before it can be duplicated.

    • The condition applied is also duplicated, but not any of the elements applied to that path. You will need to add the elements to the copied path(s).

How to delete a path

  1. Click the decision split on the canvas to open the property panel.

  2. Click the X to the right of the path you want to delete.

  3. A confirmation popup will appear, click delete or cancel.

⚠️ By clicking the trashcan icon attached to the split on the canvas it will delete all paths and the elements attached to the path you are deleting.

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