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Legacy Filter Glossary

Glossary of terms and definitions for filter criteria and operators.

Updated over a year ago

When creating a message to send to your list, you oftentimes will choose to create a segmentation filter so you're not sending to the entire list. Creating these filters is easy once you have a basic understanding of the logic behind the options. Below, these options are explained.

Common Terminology

  • Criteria: A variety of data collected about contacts. Click here to learn about the different types of criteria available when creating New Filters.

  • New Filter: A 'new' filter is a single 'rule' using the different types of criteria available for pulling in contacts who meet the rule that has been applied. This is the default starting point to building a one-time filter or a saved audience.

  • New Filter Group: A way to group a series of individual filters together to achieve a specific order of operation. Filter groups are often used to 1) identify contacts who should be included with a AND operator or 2) identify contacts who should be excluded.

  • Operators: A logic and relational conjunction to connect two or more sets of criteria, Filter Groups, or selections of data together. Click here to learn more about using operators.

Criteria Types


  • Smart Audiences: A prebuilt group of audiences that you can customize to meet your specific goals. Learn how to use Smart Audiences in your marketing campaigns.

  • Saved Audiences: Email filter rules can be saved as Saved Audiences then quickly applied to an email and reused across messages.

  • CRM Audiences: CRM allows you to gain valuable insights into your customers. CRM Audiences identify a group of contacts directly within the CRM platform. You may want to be able to track the performance of a group of these contacts over time, or take action on these contacts. Creating an Audience in Listrak CRM allows you to do both of these things.

⚠️ CRM is an additional solution offered by Listrak. If you are interested in purchasing CRM, please contact your Account Manager.

Contact Behavior

Contact Behavior identifies contacts who have purchase data associated with their email address. A contact must have both an overall order (from the Orders file) and product specific details (from the Order Items file) in order to appear in Contact Behavior. Contact Behavior will update if a contact changes their order after placing it, such as making a return or cancelling an order.

πŸ’‘ Contact Behavior will incorporate any historical order data you have uploaded into Listrak. 'All-time' below refers to the historical order data you have provided.

  • Contact Has Purchased: A customer has made a purchase that has both types of order-related data.

  • Contact Has Not Purchased: A customer has not made a purchase.

  • Number of Orders: The total number of times a customer purchased from a merchant all-time.

  • First Order Date: The first date a customer made a purchase.

  • Last Order Date: The most recent date a customer made a purchase.

  • Order Total:

    • Average Order Total (AOV): The average dollar value spent per order based on of all orders placed during the purchase lifetime of the customer (includes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Sum of All Order Totals: The total dollar amount spent during the purchase lifetime of the customer (includes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Largest Order Total: The single order with the highest dollar total during the purchase lifetime of the customer (includes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Smallest Order Total: The single order with the smallest dollar total during the purchase lifetime of the customer (includes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

  • Line Item Total:

    • Average Item Total: The average dollar value of all items purchased during the lifetime of the customer (excludes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Sum of All Item Totals: The total dollar value of all items purchased during the lifetime of the customer (excludes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Largest Item Total: The single item purchased with the largest dollar value during the lifetime of the customer (excludes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

    • Smallest Item Total: The single item purchased with the smallest dollar value during the lifetime of the customer (excludes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

  • Quantity:

    • Average Quantity for an Item: An average of how many of each unit bought per order.

    • Total Units Sold: Sum of the quantities of all items purchased that match the filter criteria.

    • Largest Quantity for an Item: The largest quantity of any item that was purchased.

    • Smallest Quantity for an Item: The smallest quantity of any item that was purchased.

  • Total Line Items:

    • Total Line Items Across all Orders: All line items within all orders during the lifetime of the customer (includes tax, surcharges, shipping, etc.)

  • Additional Options:

    These additional options further limit the results from the filter criteria described above. These additional options operate as an AND operator. E.g. Contacts who have purchased and they purchased a specific brand.

    • Brand: The brand of a product in an order.

    • Category: The category of a product in an order.

    • Color: The color of an item in an order.

    • Item Quantity: The quantity of a line item in an order.

    • Master SKU: The master SKU of an item in an order.

    • Order Date: Any date a customer purchased from a merchant.

    • Order Source: The source an order was received from a customer, for example, email, fax, phone, or simply in-store or online.

      πŸ’‘ You can review sources for a merchant under Solutions > Solutions Data Summary > Buyer Activity > Point of Purchase.

    • Price Paid: The unit price of an item in an order.

    • Product Gender: The designated gender of a product in an order.

    • Product Metadata 1-5: Additional meta data for an item in an order.

    • Product Title: The name of a product in an order.

    • Size: The size of an item in an order.

    • SKU: The stock keeping unit of an item in an order.

    • Style: The style of an item in an order.

    • Subcategory: The subcategory of a product in an order.

πŸ’‘ The values entered for text criteria such as Title, Brand, Category, etc. must match those found in your product catalog, which can be reviewed in the Product Summary under Solutions > Solutions Data Summary > Product Information > Product Summary. You may need to export to view additional data not displayed online. This data is not case sensitive.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics uses Listrak's AI to take information about past customer interactions on your site to identify patterns of behavior to help identify what contacts are likely to do in the future.

  • Customer Lifetime Value

    • Predicted Future Spend (Value)

    • Predicted Future Spend (Percentile

  • Predicted Engagement

    • Likelihood to Purchase

    • Likelihood to Click an Email

    • Likelihood to Open an Email

    • Likelihood to Unsubscribe from Email

  • Purchase Behavior

    • Coupon Affinity

    • Discount Affinity

    • Life Cycle Stage

πŸ’‘ Predictive Analytics is an additional solution offered by Listrak. If you are interested in purchasing Predictive Analytics, please contact your Account Manager. Learn more about predictive models and how to use for filter and segmentation.

Profile Fields

Profile fields are custom metadata fields for collecting additional data for a contact. This data can be explicitly collected by filling out a form (such as providing a name when creating an account) or implicitly based on a contact's action on the site (e.g. the source they used to sign up for marketing emails). The types of operators you can use in your filters are determined by the type of data, options include - text (up to 250 characters), numeric (integers), radio buttons, check boxes and date data types.

Advanced Retail Segmentation or Advanced Segmentation Package are optional packages that are available; both will synchronize customer purchase data into an autogenerated Profile Field Group labeled FA Customer Metrics.

  1. Advanced Retail Segmentation - ARS

    • Average Order Value: The Spent Total divided by the Order Count.

    • Average Reorder Days: The average number of days between orders for customers with more than one order. Calculated by taking the number of days between the 1st and last order and dividing by total orders minus one.

    • Customer Flag: A contact who has ordered at least once.

    • First Order Date: The date and time of the 1st order placed by the customer.

    • Gender: Text field for gender of this customer (Max 50 characters. This may limit the number of items returned)

    • Last Order Date: The date and time of the last order placed by the customer.

    • Order Count: The number of orders the customer has placed.

    • Projected Order Date: The last order date plus the average reorder days is the expected next order date.

    • Purchase Sources: Any sources from receipts/orders that have been captured for this contact. Max 255 characters.

    • Recent Items Purchased: Top 25 recent SKUs purchased by this customer joined in a β€˜;’ delimited string. This string represents the last 25 items purchased by the subscriber over potentially multiple orders. Max 255 characters.

    • Recent Items Purchased Overflow: Remainder of the Recent Items Purchased that were beyond 255 characters. Max 255 characters.

    • Spent One Year: The total amount spent (order totals) by this customer in the last year from today. Total amount is updated every 24 hours if necessary.

    • Spent Two Year: The total amount spent (order totals) by this customer in the last two years from today. Total amount is updated every 24 hours if necessary

    • Spent Three Year: The total amount spent (order totals) by this customer in the last three years from today. Total amount is updated every 24 hours if necessary

    • Spent Total: The total amount spent (order totals) by this customer.

  2. Advanced Segmentation Package - ASP

    In addition to the data available with ARS, this package includes Browsing Segmentation data. This data does not backfill and will populate after the solution is enabled. The additional data will include:

    1. Last Browsed Brand: The brand of the last product browsed by the customer

    2. Last Browsed Category: The category of the last product browsed by the customer.

    3. Last Browsed Subcategory: The subcategory of the last product browsed by the customer.

    4. Last Site Visit: The date and time of the last on-site activity by the customer, as captured by the Listrak JavaScript framework.

    5. Most Browsed Brand: The brand, determined by products previously browsed, that a customer has viewed the most.

    6. Most Browsed Category: The category, determined by products previously browsed, that a customer has viewed the most.

    7. Most Browsed Subcategory: The subcategory, determined by products previously browsed, that a customer has viewed the most.

    8. Recent Items Browsed: Top 25 recent SKUs browsed by this customer joined in a β€˜;’ delimited string. This string represents the last 25 items browsed by the subscriber over, potentially, multiple site visits. Max 255 characters.

    9. Recent Items Browsed Overflow: Remainder of the Recent Items Browsed that were beyond 255 characters. Max 255 characters.

⚠️ If you are interested in purchasing either Segmentation package, please contact your Account Manager.

System Fields

System Fields contain data that is automatically captured by the Listrak Platform as contacts engage with the emails sent from the Listrak platform.

  • Email: The email address of a contact who received the email.

  • Email Client: The contact's email user such as Gmail, iOS Mail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.

  • Subscribe Date: The data a contact first subscribed to the email list on which the filter is created.

  • Last Open Date: The date a contact last opened an email. This can look at the list on which the filter is created or across all lists. How are opens captured?

  • Last Read Date: The date a contact last read an email. This can look at the list on which the filter is created or across all lists. How is read captured?

  • Last Click Date: The date a contact last clicked an email. This can look at the list on which the filter is created or across all lists.

  • Last Email Send Date: The date a contact was last sent an email. This can look at the list on which the filter is created, at a specific list within the account, or across all lists.

  • Country: Automatically identifies the country the contact visited last based on the IP address used when engaging with emails.

  • Region: Automatically identifies the state, region, or territory the contact visited last based on the IP address, ISP and other factors used when engaging with emails.

    πŸ’‘ Some ISPs use image proxies and have various locations across the country which impacts the accuracy of the location.

  • Postal Code: Automatically identifies the zip code of the area the contact visited last based on the IP address, ISP and other factors used when engaging with emails.

    πŸ’‘ Some ISPs use image proxies and have various locations across the country which impacts the accuracy of the location.

    πŸ’‘ Data type MUST be Text.

  • List Subscription Status: Checks if a contact from current email list is either subscribed to or is not subscribed to any other list in the account.

  • Split Test Segment: Segments created in the Test Segmentation manager.

  • Email Client (deprecated): Email users that have been deprecated.


There are two levels of operators; Primary(Logical) operators, which connect two or more criteria or sets of criteria in a filter groups and Secondary/(Relational) operators, which calculate the relationship between a selection of data and a value.

Primary Operators

  • AND: Will narrow the search. Is often used for linking together different concepts. Targets those that meet the criteria listed next to that statement "AND" directly below it.

  • OR: Will expand a search by broadening the set. It is often used to combine similar concepts. Targets those that meet at least ONE criteria listed next to that statement "OR" directly below it.

  • AND NOT: the filter listed next to the statement must be true, but also the filter below it must not be true for a subscriber. This is most often used to exclude contacts who are receiving another type of email.

  • OR NOT: the filter listed next to the statement needs to be true, OR the other filter can't be true for a subscriber. Only one of these filters needs to be true to pull a contact.

πŸ’‘ If there is no filter below the statement, then the primary operators are not being utilized and can be ignored.

Secondary Operators

  • Text: Contains, Does Not Contain, Equals, Does Not Equal, Is In The Comma Delimited List, Is Not In The Comma Delimited List, Is Empty, Is Not Empty.

  • Numeric: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Between, Is Not Between, Is Less Than, Is Less Than or Equal To, Is Greater Than, Is Greater Than or Equal To, Is In The Comma Delimited List, Is Not In The Comma Delimited List, Is Empty, Is Not Empty. Is Within, Is Not Within - used with automated geolocation.

  • Radio Button: Is On, Is Off.

  • Check Box: Is Checked, Is Not Checked.

  • Date: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Between, Is Not Between, Is Before, Is After, Is Empty, Is Not Empty. For either absolute or relative timeframes.

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