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Journey Hub FAQ

Learn more about Listrak's Journey Hub solution.

Updated over 3 years ago

What is Journey Hub? 

Journey Hub is Listrak’s next generation cross-channel orchestration engine. Journey Hub allows you to quickly and easily build automated campaigns that send targeted, personalized messages to contacts across channels. 

How do I access my journeys? 

Journeys are accessed under the channel menu by clicking on the Listrak logo and then Journey Hub. All journeys will appear on the landing page. 

Does Journey Hub auto-save?
Journey Hub does not auto-save, however, you will receive a warning if you try to navigate away from a journey without saving. To save a journey select the save button in the top right corner.

What do the Journey Hub statuses mean? 

  • Draft: Draft journeys are still in the creation phase and have not been activated. No contacts will be entered into the journey if they complete the specified event. 

  • Active: Active journeys are currently allowing contacts to enter into the journey when they complete the specified event. 

  • Edits Pending: Journeys that have edits pending have had some update or change made to the journey. Contacts are still receiving the currently active version when they complete the specified event. 

  • Inactive: Inactive journeys are journeys that have been disabled so that no contacts will be entered into the journey when they complete the specified event. 

How do I delete my journey? 

Only journey in draft or inactive status can be deleted. To delete an active journey, first click on the three dots and deactivate the journey. Once a journey is in draft or inactive status, click the three dots and select delete.

How will contacts be entered into a journey? 

A contact enters a journey based on an entry event. Entry events occur on your site. Use entry event properties to limit the how often contacts enter a specific journey. 

Contacts can also be entered into a List Subscription Journey when doing a one-time or recurring import. Learn more about configuring imports here.

Can a contact be in a journey more than once? 

Yes, depending on the entry and exit event settings configured, a contact may be able to be in two locations within a single journey. Configuring entry events allow you to limit how often a contact is eligible to enter a journey. Exit event properties allow you to determine if a contact should exit the journey if they complete a specific event, such as making a purchase.  Entry prevention rules prevent participants from entering a joureny if they are active participants of a separate specified journey.

Can I still use personalization in a message if Journey Hub is not saved on a list? 

Yes, when creating a message you can select a list to associate with a message. Selecting a list will allow you to use personalization, such as first name, in the message content or subject line. You can also add unique, Journey Hub-specific tags to an SMS message in a shopping cart abandonment campaign to include cart information or add coupons to any journey.

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