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Performance Summary Dashboard
Updated over 4 months ago

The Performance Summary provides an overview of your message performance across messaging channels and Listrak lists or short codes. This allows you to see performance metrics in a single location, regardless of messaging channel.

Accessing the Performance Summary

The performance summary can be accessed from anywhere within the Listrak platform.

To view, navigate to Dashboards > Performance Summary

💡Helpful Tips

  • When viewing the performance summary the default view displays metrics from last 7 days for the messages sent from the five most recently used email or SMS short codes.

  • If a messaging channel is not used or has not been recently visited it will not be displayed.

  • Metrics will update once a day, approximately at 8am ET.

Updating Data Displayed

One of the ways data can be updated is by changing the number of days for which data is displayed. There are two different types of date ranges that can be updated: single and comparison ranges.

Updating a Single Date Range

The single date range picker allows you to view all message sent from the selected list in a specific timeframe. The timeframe can be from 1-60 days long.

  1. Click on the date range at the top left of the Performance Summary.

  2. Select a pre-built date range from the date range drop-down, or use the calendar to select a more targeted date range.

    💡 Up to 60 days can be included in the date selection.

  3. Click Apply to refresh the data to display the new date range.

Comparing Date Ranges

The comparison function allows you to select two different date ranges to compare the performance of the message sent during these timeframes. For example, the comparison tool can be used to specify the dates between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and compare performance year-over-year.

  1. Click on the date range at the top left of the Performance Summary.

  2. Toggle on the Compare Dates function at the bottom of the popup.

  3. Select a pre-built date range from the date range drop-down, or use the calendar to select a more targeted date range.

    ⚠️ Today's date cannot be selected. Data from 'today' will be available the following day by 8 AM.

  4. Click Apply to refresh the data to display the new date range.

Updating the Email Lists and Short Codes

The second way you can change the data displayed is by adjusting the lists that are reflected in the report. Click the lists button to see all lists for both the email and SMS channel that are configured in your account. Check the box next to each list to display data from the messages sent during the selected timeframe.

You can also change the specific columns of data by clicking on the Show/Hide Columns button. The checked data points will then appear in the Performance Summary table.

💡 If you need more space to view your columns, click Full Screen.

Viewing the Performance Data

Once you have updated the lists, dates, or date ranges you wish to view the chart of the performance summary will display the updated information.

The chart will group messages into three main categories:

  • Broadcast Messages: This grouping will include one-time or recurring scheduled email sends (including split tests and recurring automated campaigns) and one-time or recurring scheduled SMS messages (including split tests and recurring data acquisition campaigns). Messages will be grouped by the Listrak Campaign Name used when the messages were sent.

  • Triggered Messages: This grouping will include all automated campaigns built in Journey Hub or Listrak Conductor including Shopify Transactional journeys. Messages sent as part of an SMS's contact's sign-up or direct reach out will also be included in triggered messages. These include: Two-Way SMS Conversations, Keyword and List Subscription Campaigns, and System Messages. Messages will be grouped by the Listrak Campaign Name used when the messages were sent.

  • Transactional Messages: This grouping includes all transactional message types sent using Listrak's Transactional API calls, but will not include Shopify Transactional Journeys. Messages will be grouped by the Listrak Campaign Name used when the messages were sent.

⚠️Each category will have an aggregate total of all message of that type sent during the timeframe. Conversions and revenue represent the orders placed during the selected timeframe. Email engagement activity (opens, clicks unsubscribes etc.) reflects any engagement data with the message and may represent activity that occurred outside the selected range.

When you open each messaging channel, you will see the individual messages and the metrics for that message. The messages will be sorted based on most recent send date within each category and channel.

💡 When viewing metrics you may see icons appear instead of numeric data. The minus sign indicates a data point is not relevant to the specific message of channel (e.g. opens are not used to track SMS message engagement). The clock icon indicates a data point that is coming soon and will soon be available in the report.

Viewing Comparison Data

When viewing data using the comparison feature, you will be able to view the overall metrics for each category of message or messaging channel.

You can further drill down to individual campaign values in each channel or message type. You will see two lines of data for each campaign, one for each of the two comparison date ranges selected. You will not see metrics for the individual messages sent during this timeframe, but you can use the single date range option to gain insight into specific messages.

The large top number indicates the percentage change in the metric between the two periods. The smaller bottom number represents the numeric change in the the specific metric (e.g. the numeric change in the number of opens in emails sent) between the two periods.

⚠️ Listrak will match the same campaign name value. If a campaign name value does not have a counterpart in the comparison period there will not be data displayed for that timeframe.

💡 A series of helpful icons will display to indicate if a metric has increased (green up arrow), decreased (red down arrow) or stayed the same (yellow arrow) in the more recent period when compared to the previous timeframe.

Analytics Glossary

Read below to learn more about the specific metrics displayed in the Performance Summary. These metrics record all activity for messages sent during the timeframe, even if activity occurred after the time selected.

⚠️ When a minus sign appears for a specific metric, the metric does not apply to the specific channel, for example, open rate for SMS messages.

  • Send Date: The date the message was sent from within the Listrak platform.

    • Send date is not available for Triggered and Transactional messages.

  • Revenue: The total spend of contacts who last clicked the specific message and went on to make a purchase.

  • Sends: The number of messages sent from within the Listrak platform.

  • Delivered: The number of messages that were successfully delivered to a contact's email or mobile device.

  • Delivered Rate: The percentage of messages that were successfully received vs. failed messages, calculated by dividing the number of messages delivered by the number of messages sends.

  • Clicks: The total number of times a link in a message was clicked.

    • SMS clicks count all clicks related to messages that were sent during the date range.

  • Click Rate: The percentage of contacts who clicked through an email after opening, calculated by dividing clicks by the number of delivered messages.

  • Unique Clicks: Represents the total number of contacts who clicked at least one link in a message. Each contact is only counted one time.

  • Unique Click Rate: The percentage of contacts who clicked through an email, calculated by dividing unique clicks by messages delivered

  • Bounce/Fails: The number of messages that could not be delivered to a contact's email inbox (bounces) or mobile device (fails).

  • Bounce/Fail Rate: The percentage of contacts who did not receive a message, calculated by dividing the number of message bounced or failed by the number of messages sent.

  • Unsubscribed: The number of contacts who unsubscribed by clicking through the message.

  • Unsubscribe Rate: The percentage of contacts who unsubscribed after receiving the message, calculated by dividing the number of unsubscribes by the number of messages delivered.

  • Opens: An email-only metric that displays the number of messages where the Listrak email tracking pixel was loaded or where an email was clicked even without the pixel loading.

    • This value will not populate for SMS messages

  • Open Rate: An email-only metric that displays the percentage of emails that were opened, calculated by dividing the number of messages opened by the number of messages delivered.

    • This value will not populate for SMS messages

  • Reads: An email only metric that displays the number of messages where the contact opened an email and the content was engaged with for at least five seconds.

    • This value will not populate for SMS messages

  • Reads Rate: An email-only metric that displays the percentage of contacts who read a message, calculated by dividing the number of messages by the number of messages delivered.

    • This value will not populate for SMS messages

  • CTOR: An email-only metric that displays the percentage of contacts who clicked through an email after opening, calculated by dividing unique clicks by the number of opens.

  • Conversion: The total number of contacts who made a purchase after clicking through the message.

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of contacts who made a purchase after returning to the site, calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visits.

  • AOV: The average purchase value of contacts who purchased after clicking through the message.

  • $/Message: The total revenue generated by the message for every 1,000 contacts who received the message.

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