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SMS Broadcast Message Dashboard

Learn more about the reporting available for broadcast SMS, MMS and Data Acquisition messages.

Updated over 5 months ago

View analytics about Broadcast messages as a whole or manage SMS/MMS and Data acquisition campaigns. Access this dashboard by navigating to Messages > SMS SMS Broadcast. πŸ’‘ If you have multiple sender codes, you will need to select the correct sender code from list navigation dropdown menu.

Page Navigation

  • Top Three Cards: The three most recent broadcast sends, with an at-a-glance look of when they were delivered, how many, and the message content.

  • Status Tabs: The data grid displays metrics related to the performance of your broadcast messages and is broken down by message status:

    • Sent Messages: Messages that have been sent or are in the process of sending.

    • Draft Messages: Messages that are saved and have not been scheduled to send.

    • Scheduled Messages: Messages that are scheduled to send only one time.

    • Recurring Messages: Messages that are scheduled to send on a recurring basis.

  • Export (icon): Export campaign details from the specific tab.

  • All List Dropdown: Choose a list from the dropdown to display contacts that have opted into the selected list. (Defaults to show All Lists).

  • Search: Search the list by message name.

  • Sort: Use this function to sort columns.

  • Show/Hide Column: Customize your grid with the areas you want to view.

Status Tabs

Learn more about the details on each status tab:

Sent Messages

  • Name: The name given to the broadcast message.

  • Type: Indicates the type of message created, options include - SMS, MMS, Data Acquisition.

  • Send Date: The date the message was sent.

  • Sent: The number of messages sent from this broadcast.

  • Capped: The number of messages not sent to contacts because they had met the frequency capping threshold.

  • Click-through (CTR): The percentage of customers who clicked on a hyperlink within a message.

  • Revenue: The all time revenue generated from the campaign.

  • Conversions: The number of contacts who clicked through the campaign and then made a purchase from your site.

  • List Name: The name of the list that was used for this broadcast.

  • Status: The status reflects sent if the message was sent or sending if the message is in the process of sending.

Draft Messages

  • Name: The name given to the broadcast message.

  • Type: Indicates the type of message created, options include - SMS, MMS, Data Acquisition.

  • Date Created: The date the message was originally drafted.

  • Last Updated: The date the message was last changed.

  • List Name: The name of the list that is being used for this broadcast.

  • Status: Indicates that a message is in draft state.

Scheduled Messages

  • Name: The name given to the broadcast message.

  • Type: Indicates if the scheduled message is an SMS or Broadcast message.

  • Send Date: The date the message is scheduled for.

  • List Name: The name of the list that is being used for this broadcast.


  • Name: The name given to the recurring message.

  • Type: Indicates the type of message created, options include - SMS, MMS, Data Acquisition.

  • Start Date: The date the first recurring message is scheduled or was scheduled to send.

  • Next Send: The date the next recurring message will be sent based on the schedule you configured.

  • Schedule: A brief description of the recurring schedule.

  • List Name: The name of the list that is being used for this broadcast.

Manage Broadcast Messages

There are various actions that can be done to any broadcast message such as making edits, deactivating or duplicating a message.

  • To begin, select the checkbox to the left of the message name to enable the action buttons.

  • Select the action to enter into the message to make changes. Options include:

    • Edit: Allows all message elements to be modified. Only for Draft, Scheduled or Recurring messages.

    • Duplicate: This will replicate the message. This an efficient way to create a new message by using an existing message as a starting point.

    • Delete: This will permanently remove the message. Only for Draft, Scheduled or Recurring messages.

Individual Message Performance

You can gain greater insight into the performance of a specific broadcast message by clicking the name of a sent message. This dashboard can also be accessed by clicking View More in one of the top three cards.

This will open the message dashboard where you can view various metrics.

  • Message Name: The name given to the broadcast message.

  • Message Type: The type of message selected for a broadcast.

  • Send Date and Time: The date and time your message was sent.

  • List: The name of the list that is being used for this broadcast.

  • Filters Applied: View the filters, if any, that were applied to this broadcast.

  • Unique Clicks: The number of unique contacts that have clicked a link within in your message.

  • Total Clicks: The total number of clicks from your message. A contact who has clicked on more than one link or on a single link more than once will be counted multiple times.

  • Conversion Count: The number of orders placed for contacts who clicked through your message.

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of contacts who converted, calculated by dividing conversion count by unique clicks.

  • Revenue: The amount of revenue generated by contacts who purchased after clicking through a message.

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The average value of the orders placed by contacts who clicked through a message.

  • Count: The number of messages that were sent to your list. These will further be broken down by the percentage delivered, failed, and capped.

  • Coupon Pool: Displays a coupon if used in the message. Only coupons created in the coupon manager will appear here.

  • Broadcast: The original message content.

  • Data Confirmation: Displayed if your message included a data acquisition message. Displays the confirmation message sent to contacts who responded to the acquisition message.

  • Response Count: Displayed if your message included a data acquisition message. Displays the number of contacts who responded to the acquisition message.

  • Time Zone Optimization: Displayed if the send included Time Zone Optimization when scheduling. A chart will display the number of contacts who received a message in each time zone.

    πŸ’‘ The time reflected in the chart is based on the Eastern Time Zone.

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