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Using Visual Analytics in Listrak Conductor

Learn how to use the visual analytics tab in Listrak Conductor to view specific data on the performance of your conversation.

Updated over 2 years ago

Visual Insights in Listrak Conductor provides a quick view of how contacts have flowed through a Conductor conversation over a given time period.

💡 Visual analytics are available for any conversation saved on the list you are viewing.

To access Visual analytics, in the navigation go to Automation> Conductor Conversations > Select the specific conversation.

Navigate to the Visual Analytics tab.

Filtering Options

Date Range

Use the pre-built date range from the dropdown or use calendar icon to select a specific date range. The pre-built date ranges will dynamically update the data.

📌 Applying a date range to correspond to on-site events, such as semi-annual sales, can help see how the increased traffic is engaging with your campaigns.

Analytics Type

From the drop-down you can select the type of analytics you want to see reflected on the conversation view. The following options are available:

  • Total Entries: Shows the total number of times each step was passed through by participants in the conversation during the selected time period.

  • Unique Participants: Shows the total number of times each step was encountered by a unique contact (based on their email address). A contact who flowed though the campaign multiple times are only counted once.

  • Current Status: View the number of participants who are occupying each step at this moment in time.

  • Message Revenue: View the amount of revenue each message in the conversation has generated during the selected timeframe.  

    ⚠️ Conversion tracking must be enabled to view message revenue. 

Managing the View

You can further customize the view of your visual analytics by using the following icons.

The heat map icon allows you to view which steps or paths have had the most activity in your conversation. This view is helpful to get a high-level view of any go-to step filters you have included.

The magnifying glass icons allow you to zoom in, zoom out, and reset the view of your conversation.

The printer icon opens the full conversation view in a new tab. This can then be printed or saved as image and used in presentations.

View Conversation Data

The conversation data is available in the right-side data pane. The data will represent the timeframe selected. The following metrics are displayed:

  • Total Entries: The total number of times a contact passed through the conversation. 

  • Unique Participants: The number of unique contacts (based on email address) that have passed through the conversation.

  • Total Denied: The number of contacts that were denied entry into the conversation.

    💡 Contacts may be denied entry based on conversation settings (e.g. when they are only allowed to enter once) or if they are currently in the conversation.

  • Participants Terminated: The number of contacts who have gone through the conversation and have reached the terminate step in any thread.

  • Error: The number of contacts who could not be processed into the conversation and multiple attempts by the system have failed. 

  • No Wait Remap: The number of contacts that were terminated from the conversation when a wait step was deleted on the republished (updated) version and the deleted wait was not redirected to a new or existing wait step.

  • Unsubscribe: The number of contacts that unsubscribed while in the conversation. 

  • Total Revenue: The total amount of revenue generated by the messages in the conversation. 

View Individual Step Data

Clicking on an individual step in the Visual Analytics view will display the metrics for this specific step above the Conversation details in the right side data pane.

📌 Understanding how contacts interact with individual steps can provide opportunities for enhancement. For example, if a large number of contacts is filtered out by a go-to step, you may want to create a message tailored to this group to drive additional revenue.

Trigger Step Metrics

  • Total Entries: The total number of times the step was passed through by contacts during the selected timeframe.

  • Unique Participants: The number of times the step was encountered by a unique contact (based on email address). This total does not reflect the same person passing through the step multiple times.

  • Execute on Publish: The total number of contacts who enter a thread by manually determining who should enter the thread. The percentage is calculated by dividing the count by the number of unique participants.

  • Second/Third Event: The total number of contacts who enter the thread through the event with the second/third highest entry count. The percentage is calculated by the count by the unique number of thread participants.

  • Total Denied: The total number of contacts who attempt to enter a thread but were denied entry due to thread settings. The percentage is calculated by dividing the count by unique thread participants.

  • Filter: The total number of contacts who were denied entry into a thread because of a filter that was applied to the step.

  • History: The total number of contacts who were denied entry into a thread via a trigger because they already entered the thread once and the thread does not allow reentry.

  • Rank: The number of contacts that were denied entry into the thread based on thread rank. If a contact is already in a thread and tries to enter another thread, they cannot do so if the initial thread is higher ranking.

 Go-To Step Metrics

  • Total Entries: The total number of times the step was passed through by all contacts.

  • Unique Participants: The number of times the step was encountered by a unique contact (based on email address). This total does not reflect the same person passing through the step multiple times.

  • Total Redirects: The total number of entries that were redirected by the Go-to Step. The percentage is calculated by dividing the count by the total entries for the step. 

  • Total Denied: The total number of entries that were not redirected by the Go-to Step. The percentage is calculated by dividing the count by the total entries for the step.

  • Filter: The total number of entries that did not redirect because of a segment filter.

  • Max Redirects: The total number of entries that did not redirect because the maximum number of redirects was reached.

Action Step Metrics

  • Total Entries: The total number of times the step was passed through by all contacts.

  • Unique Participants: The number of times the step was encountered by a unique contact (based on email address). This total does not reflect the same person passing through the step multiple times.

  • Total Actions: The total number of actions that were performed by the action step.

  • Total Action Errors: The total number of errors that prevented the action from taking place. For example, if you have an action step set to update a segment that no longer exists, this counts as an error and the action will not be performed.

  • Denied by Filter: The sum of the contacts that did not meet the filter applied to the action step.

Wait Step Metrics

  • Total Entries: The total number of times the step was passed through by all contacts.

  • Unique Participants: The number of times the step was encountered by a unique contact (based on email address). This total does not reflect the same person passing through the step multiple times.

  • Currently Waiting: The total number of contacts who are currently waiting in this wait step. The percentage is calculated by dividing the count by the total entries for the step.

  • Average Wait Time: The sum of all wait durations divided by the total entries into this wait step. The current wait duration for participants who are currently waiting in this step will not be counted towards the average.

Message Step Metrics

  • Total Entries: The total number of times the step was passed through by all contacts.

  • Unique Participants: The number of times the step was encountered by a unique contact (based on email address). This total does not reflect the same person passing through the step multiple times.

  • Total Sends: Displays the total sends of a message during the timeframe. The send count is derived via the normal reporting mechanisms of the message(s) independent of the conversation.

  • Delivered: The total number of messages delivered.

  • Bounced: The total number of sends that bounced.

  • Opened: The number of messages that were opened.

  • Read: The total number of messages read (engaged with for a least five seconds).

  • Clickers: The total number of unique contacts who clicked through the message.

  • Total Revenue: The amount of revenue generated by the message. 

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