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Introduction to Building Segments and Audiences in the NextGen Platform
Introduction to Building Segments and Audiences in the NextGen Platform

Learn how to build segments and apply them to your marketing channels.

Updated over a week ago

Segments give marketers the ability to act on information about contacts, such as demographics, message, site and purchase activity, and even predictive behaviors. These segments can be applied to any cross-channel message. Learn how to build, manage and apply segments to your marketing channels.

πŸ“Œ This article covers the process of building segments and audiences. Apply the specific criteria for your segmentation goals.

Create a Segment in the Contact Management Page

  1. To begin building navigate to Contacts > Cross-Channel All Contacts.

  2. Click Select Criteria. Learn more about the different types of criteria available.

  3. Select the first criteria level - such as Contact Profile, Contact Behavior, Product Behavior or Predictive*.

  4. Select the second criteria level - each primary group will have a unique set of secondary data to choose from.

  5. Select the third criteria level - each secondary group will have a unique set of tertiary data to choose from.

    1. And in some cases there may be a fourth criteria level.

  6. Select the conditional operator.

    1. Enter the value - if applicable.

    2. If you need to to change the criteria, you will need to delete the criteria and start over, click Cancel and click X to delete the filter.

  7. Click Apply To calculate this filter or click Cancel to go back to the dashboard.

  8. Use the Plus Sign or Add Filter button to add additional criteria. Repeat steps 3-7 for any additional criteria.

*Predictive Analytics is an additional solution offered by Listrak. If you are interested in purchasing Predictive Analytics, please contact your Account Manager.

πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips when Using NextGen Criteria

  • Time zone for date fields utilizes the UTC time zone

  • To target non-purchasers, use the total order count equals zero

  • Is Not in the Comma Delimited List (when evaluating text fields) will include contacts where there is no value in the field

  • Comma Delimited Lists have a character limits of 1,000 characters

Manage Criteria in Segments

  • Edit the conditional operator of the filter's criteria

    1. Hover over the filter criteria that is to be edited.

    2. Click Edit.

    3. Click Apply To recalculate this filter or click Cancel to go back to the dashboard.

  • Build onto the filter

    1. There are two ways to add additional criteria:

      1. Group criteria together by clicking the + sign NEXT to the previous filter criteria.

        πŸ’‘ Use the same connector (AND or OR) within a single line. Use option B if you need to change the connector.

      2. Create a new group by clicking the +Filter BELOW the filter(s).

    2. Change the operator by clicking on it. By default it is set to AND.

  • Delete an individual filter

    1. Hover over the filter criteria that is to be deleted.

    2. Click the X to delete. Note there is no confirmation screen, it will be deleted immediately.

  • Save as a Segment

    1. Click Save Segment to save all filter criteria as a usable Saved Segment.

    2. Give it a unique name.

    3. Click Save to save the Segment or click Cancel to go back to the dashboard.

      1. Once the Segment has been saved it will live on the Segments dashboard.

      2. Click the Segments tab to view all saved Segments.

  • Clear the filter

    1. Click the X Clear Filter option to clear ALL filter criteria.

    2. πŸ’‘ This will NOT delete the saved segment.

  • Updating an existing Segment

    1. Apply updates to the existing Segment.

    2. Click Save Segment.

      1. Choose how you would like to save the segment:

        1. Update: This will apply any changes to the existing segment, overriding any criteria that was previously a part of the segment.

          ⚠️ If an updated segment is applied to an audience, the segment within the audience will also be updated to messages that are saved or scheduled.

          Create New: This will ONLY apply any changes made to newly created segment; thus not affecting the original segment.

Segment Examples

Example 1: Using Dates in Common or Custom profile fields

Contacts who turn 30 in 2024, within a specific month

πŸ’‘ Check the Include Year to look back at the year 1994

Contact Profile > Common > Personal Information > Birthday

Check if loyalty points expire in the next week

πŸ’‘ Check the Include Year checkbox to look at the dates within the specific year. Leaving the box unchecked will look at the selected day in any year.

Contact Profile > Custom > Client specific profile field for loyalty expiration date data

Contacts who have a birthday today

πŸ’‘ Keep the Include Year unchecked to look back on any year.

Contact Profile > Common > Personal Information > Birthday

Contacts who have a birthday in a specific month

Contact Profile > Common > Personal Information > Birthday

πŸ’‘ Uncheck the Include Year to look back on any year.

Example 2: Placed an Order

Placed an order in the month of June

πŸ’‘ Note the calculations for IS BETWEEN is from June 1 at 00:00:00 and June 30 11:59:59

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Order Date > Absolute

Placed an order within the last 90 days

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Order Date > Relative

Placed an order prior to the last 30 days

πŸ’‘ Enter the closest value to today first and enter 9999 (the furthest time in the past)

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Order Date > Relative

Placed an order between 6 months and a year ago

πŸ’‘ Enter the closest value to today first and end of date range second

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Order Date > Relative

Example 3: Specific Message Engagement

Contact Behavior > Messages > Clicked > Has Clicked > Message

Add a specific frequency or date range (both optional) to refine the data

Example 4: Specific Channel Engagement

Contact Behavior > Messages > Clicked > Has Clicked > Channel

Example 5: Specific Web Page Engagement

Contact Behavior > Browse > Browse URL > Has Browsed URL

Example 6: Abandoned Cart behavior

Utilizing cart behaviors gives marketers the opportunity to send broadcast messages to contact's who haven't moved to the next phase - checkout!

Product Behavior > Cart > Last Updated Cart

Example 7: Contact's Lifetime Value

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Sum of all Order Totals

Example 8: Contacts that have never purchased

Product Behavior > Purchase > All Orders > Total Number of Orders

Example 9: Ordered from a Specific Category

πŸ’‘ Please verify category data in the Data Summary

Product Behavior > Purchase > Order Items > Order Item Category*

Add a modifier to specify additional criteria

Example 10: Contacts who's preferred channel is email

Predictive > Engagement > AI Channel Affinity

Example 11: Contacts who are subscribed to SMS

Contact Behavior > Subscriptions > Subscription Status

Example 12: Contacts who were sent a specific message, but did not open the message

Contact Behavior > Messages > Sent AND Contact Behavior > Messages > Opened

Manage Saved Segments

Saved Segments are managed on the Segment Management dashboard. Access it by navigating to Contacts > Cross-Channel Segments or by clicking the Segments tab in the Contact Management page. πŸ’‘ Segments are cross-merchant and will reflect the same count regardless of which merchant is selected.

  1. To begin click the Actions icon in the row of the segment to either Edit, Rename, Duplicate, or Delete a segment.

    1. Edit

      • To edit an existing Segment, follow the steps outlined above.

        πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

        • To prevent changes to a segment from being applied anywhere the segment is applied, choose Create New Segment to make a new segment with the updated criteria.

    2. Rename

      • This will change the name of the Segment, also changing the Segment name within any audience this has been applied to.

    3. Duplicate

      • Segments can be duplicated, which helps quickly start with a copy of a segment's filter rules without having to recreate from scratch.

Create an Audience

An audience is created by applying previously saved Segments directly in the message creation experience to target specific groups of contacts. When saved Segments are applied to an individual message, the count will now reflect a reachable audience, which are contacts who are subscribed/opted-in to the that specific messaging channel for the merchant selected in the navigation. An audience count will be displayed within the interface when applied. The audience count is dynamic and will be re-calculated at the time of message send.

  1. Navigate to the message authoring experience of the applicable channel.

  2. Scroll to the Filter Recipients section.

  3. Click Build Audience.

  4. The Create an Audience builder allows you to include or exclude all contacts that are a part of a Saved Segment. Within each condition there is also the option to to build more complex groupings with the use of OR/AND conditions.

    1. Click the Segment and drag-and-drop it into either conditional section.

    2. To build more complex logic, do either of the following options:

      1. OR statement: Drag the new Segment in the empty box.

      2. AND statement: Drag the new Segment inside a Segment.

    3. Click Apply to apply to the message or click Cancel to go back to the message creation experience.

πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips

  • The marketable contacts count is displayed within each Segment.

  • The total Audience count and percentage of total subscribed contacts to the program (e.g. marketing program) is displayed at the top of builder.

  • Once a Segment has been added you can do the following:

    • Click the X (on left): To remove it from the audience.

    • Click the eye icon: To review the filter criteria of a Segment (this can be done from within the Segment column on the left as well).

    • Drag to the other section.

  • Click Remove Audience to remove the Audience from the message, if it is no longer wanted or needed.

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