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Ensure Branding is Complete

Follow the steps to ensure that your branding has been set up and completed correctly.

Updated over 2 years ago

In order to check if your branding is complete, you must have already added records. Please refer to Branding Your Listrak Account if the records have not yet been added to your DNS server.


A quick check of your branding and authentication audit can confirm that your branding is complete. To do so, create a placeholder message or use an existing saved message.

Below a test message it set up to use for the verification process.

  1. Navigate to Messages > Email New Email Broadcast.

  2. Complete your message settings.

    1. If not already populated add a From Name and From Email.

    2. Add text to your subject line.

  3. Scroll to the when to send section.

    1. Select the schedule option

    2. Choose a date and time in the future.

      💡 The message will not be scheduled, a date and time is required to confirm settings.

  4. Scroll to the compose section and add any text into the HTML tab.

  5. At the bottom of the page, click Schedule to Send.

  6. On the confirmation screen, scroll to the branding and authentication audit section. If all the items are checked with a green checkmark, you're branding has been completed.

    ⚠️ Be sure to click cancel, so you're not sending or scheduling a message until you're ready.

DKIM Verification

It is also recommended to complete a separate DKIM verification by sending yourself a message from your Listrak account.

💡 Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail all show headers and will show if the DKIM passes or fails. You can still use other email clients, such as Outlook, but may need to find alternatives ways to view the pass/fail for DKIM.

  1. Navigate to Messages > Email View Saved Email.

  2. Open an existing saved email message.

    💡 You can also follow the process above to create a test message.

  3. Scroll to segmentation filter settings and click Edit Filter so that a message is only sent to a specific email.

    1. Select the System Fields criteria.

    2. Select Email from the next drop-down menu.

    3. Select Equals from the operator drop-down menu.

    4. Type your email address into the text field.

      ⚠️ Your email address must be subscribed to the list

    5. Click Update.

    6. Click Save.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the email creation page and click Send to List.

  5. On the bottom of the confirmation page, click Send to List.

    ⚠️ Confirm that the message will only be sent to one email address in the filter setting on the confirmation page.

  6. Open the email in the inbox associated with your test address and click the drop-down menu on the right-hand side.

  7. Follow these steps to confirm your DKIM.

    ⚠️ This process demonstrates finding DKIM in Gmail. Some inboxes may differ.

    1. Select Show original. The details of the email will now be displayed. What we are looking for is the authentication results of the email. The easiest way to locate this line of text is to use a keyboard shortcut: 

    2. Hold Ctrl + F

    3. Type "DKIM"

    4. You should see "dkim=pass."


Check Account Settings

If you don't see the green verification checkmarks, you can verify your branding settings by viewing them in several places within your Listrak account. The first place to check is in your account settings

  1. Navigate to Account > Account Account Settings.

  2. Verify you have the correct/desired Domain Alias and Bounce Domain listed.

Check List Settings

Now that you've established these settings for your account, you may need to apply them to your individual lists. You can do so by checking your list settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Email Settings List Settings.

  2. In the Branding Settings, ensure the Domain Alias and Bounce Domain radio buttons are selected for your custom alias settings.

  3. Commit Changes if you have made any updates.

Now when you reach the confirmation page while sending a message, you should see all green checks. For more details about these records, refer to our Branding Guide.

Contact Support

If your branding and authentication audit still displays a red "X" next to any setting, you should contact Listrak Technical Support to help resolve the issue. 

  • Phone: 1-877-362-4556 x1

  • Live Chat: Navigate from the home menu to Help & Support > Live Chat & Notifications to speak to a representative in real time.

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