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Experience Builder Elements

Learn about Experience Builder elements and their configuration options.

Updated over 2 months ago

Elements in the Experience Builder are the building blocks needed to create the specific flow of events that occur as visitor progresses through a journey. Once a journey has been created, the elements panel allows you to easily drag and drop the components of your journey on to the canvas. Edit the properties of elements by clicking on them in the journey. This article walks through the elements used to create these journeys.

πŸ“‘ For more information on how to build a journey check out this article.

Triggered Event

The triggered event allows the user to govern how the content will appear on site by selecting a trigger type; the number of times it can appear; and location the content will appear on site by configuring a series of optional conditional statements.

Trigger Rules

Trigger Types

  • Trigger on page load: Displays when a visitor enters the website. Enter a delay time, between 0-300 seconds, for the popup to be triggered.

  • Trigger on intent to exit the page: Displays when a visitor shows intent to exit the website.

    • Desktop: Displays when cursor leaves browser window.

    • Mobile: Displays when user scrolls down 30% of page threshold and then scrolls back to top.

  • Trigger on button click: Displays when a visitor clicks a button. Configure the button text, button color, text color, button size, button shape and button alignment. Learn more link...

  • Trigger after scrolling: Displays when a visitor scrolls either halfway or to the bottom of the page.

  • Trigger manually: Displays when a visitor clicks an element on the site where the popup script has been manually added, such as a link, button, or image. To use a manual popup, enter a unique name, then apply the onclick event to an element on your site. Manual Popup examples:

    Option 1 executes trigger regardless of display rules

    Option 2 executes trigger AND respects the display rules


Display Frequency (optional)

Limit the amount of times this content will trigger for a single visitor.

  • Show again: (0-365) days after visitor exits the site.

  • Show after: (0-100) page visits.

Targeting Conditions (optional)

Use targeting rules to show and/or hide content on the site.

  • Device type: Checks if the device type Is Desktop and/or Mobile.

  • From Listrak message: Checks if the visitor Is coming from an email and/or SMS message sent from Listrak.

  • URL: Checks the browser's URL for the specific user provided value.

  • Coupon assigned: Checks if a selected coupon Is from the pool that has already been assigned to the user in the browser previously.

  • Subscribed Channel: Checks if the visitor Is or Is Not subscribed to the email and/or SMS channel.

  • Referrer: Checks if the visitor reached the popup organically or came through a paid search, which is identified by the Google parameter utm_source=Google.



Popups are used to acquire new subscribers to both email and SMS channels. In addition, they can be used to capture additional actionable data about those new subscribers such as demographic information, shopping preferences and more.

⚠️ Legacy popups will still function as they were configured. If you have questions regarding upgrading to the Experience Builder please contact your Account Manager.

Popup Design

Design the popup using one of the several pre-designed creative templates or build it from scratch. Check out this article to learn more.

Popup Behavior (optional)

Given the option to close the popup when the user clicks the overlay.


Actions allow the user to provide information to a contact as they progress through an Experience.

Coupons (optional)

A coupon steps allows the user to assign a coupon from a coupon pool directly in the content. The coupon and associated (optional) coupon attributes can then be dynamically included in the content by using the customizable tags. Any attribute value configured in the Coupon Settings' Attributes popup can be copied from the coupon step settings and be applied to all subsequent content steps that reference the dynamic tag(s).


The coupon pool you want to use in the content.

Coupon Settings' Attributes

  • Coupon Code Tag*: The user generated tag value, used to display the coupon value in the content.

  • Coupon Title: A simple line of text that introduces and summarizes the offer.

    • Coupon Title Tag: The user generated tag value, used to display the coupon title in the content.

  • Coupon Description: A line or paragraph of text that is used to describe the offer.

    • Coupon Description Tag: The user generated tag value, used to display the coupon description in the content.

  • Expiration Date: The expiration date of the coupon. Note Listrak does not control the actual expiration of the coupon.

  • Disclaimer: A line or paragraph of text that could include details about the offer, signing up, compliance, etc.

    • Disclaimer Tag: The user generated tag value, used to display the disclaimer copy in the content.

πŸ’‘ Helpful Tips:

  • The coupon code tag* is the only required field.

    • A coupon pool needs to be setup prior to adding the coupon step. Learn how to create a coupon pool.

  • The coupon action step must precede the content step when using tags.

  • When the optional coupon attribute fields are filled out a Experience tag will be created to use in any of the subsequent popups in the journey. Copy and paste the tag wherever you want the values to be displayed. Example below:

  • Example of using a tag to populate disclaimer copy in a popup.

Design preview

Actual preview


Visitors will exit the journey when completing the journey or closing the popup.

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