In this article you will find some of the common strategies for the product recommendations included in your marketing emails. These strategies can act as a starting point and can be further customized based on your specific messages, business goals, or types of products. Work with your Account Manager to discuss the uses cases that may work best for your goals.
For each strategy you will find an explanation of why these strategies are often used and how they help support the overall goal of the campaign. These explanations can be used to help determine which strategy is best for different emails. You can learn more about the different components in the Product Recommendations Glossary.
Popular Products
Including popular products in your marketing emails is a great strategy that targets all contacts who are receiving your email with similar results. This strategy is a great way to show off seasonal products or products your customers are loving. Including the specific attributes such as category or subcategory is a great way to match the product recommendations to the theme of an email, such as using Specific Category of Dresses for a Best Dress-ed email.
Common Base Ingredients: Trending (Last 7 Days), Top Sellers
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Additional Ingredients: Specific attributes (Category, Subcategory) weighted at 90%
Common Backup Ingredients: Trending (Last 30 Days), Top Sellers
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
π‘ Include all activity types unless you are sending a message aimed at a specific group because contacts with a wide variety of different activities will receive your marketing messages.
Personalized Products
Including personalized products in a marketing email can provide a "just for you" element to a bulk email. This type of strategy is often used in emails that contain more generalized content or sales, such as Memorial Day Sale.
Common Base Ingredients: Similar Products, Purchased This Purchased That
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Common Backup Ingredients: Trending (Last 30 Days), Top Sellers
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Additional Ingredients: Same attributes (Category, Subcategory etc.) weighted at 90%
Personalized Cross-Sell Products
Similarly to the Personalized Products strategy, the Cross-Sell strategy provides a "just for you" element to your emails. This strategy uses a contact's recent activity to display additional products purchased by customers who purchased the products a contact browsed, abandoned, or purchased. This cross-sell strategy can be used in a wide-variety of emails.
Common Base Ingredients: Frequently Bought Together, Purchased This Purchased That
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Common Backup Ingredients: Trending (Last 30 Days), Top Sellers
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Additional Ingredients: Same attributes (Category, Subcategory etc.) weighted at 90%
Sale & Clearance Products
Featuring upcoming sales or new items added to clearance is a common strategy for marketing emails. You can use product recommendations to display these item. The results displayed in product recommendations will be dependent on receiving information about if a product is on sale from your ecommerce product feed.
Common Base Ingredients: Top Sellers, What's New
Additional Ingredients: Sale/Clearance options checked weighted at 100%
Common Backup Ingredients: Top Sellers, What's New
Price-Based Strategies
It is important to be aware of price-conscious consumers and be able to tailor the product recommendations in your email accordingly. You can use product recommendations to display product similar in price to items they have been viewing, abandoning, or purchasing. In addition, in the lead-up to the holiday season gift guides are especially popular and you can use product recommendations to power these campaigns.
Common Base Ingredients: Most base ingredients can be used in addition to pricing elements
Activity Included: Items purchased, abandoned, or browsed (adjust as necessary)
Additional Ingredients for price-conscious consumes: Similarly Priced Within
Additional Ingredients for gift guides: Priced Between [Floor] and [Ceiling]
Exclude Featured Products in an Email
You will often feature specific products in an email that includes product recommendations. You can add additional ingredients to your recipes to stop these products from also appearing in your email.
Common Base Ingredients: Any base ingredients can be used in addition to pricing elements
Additional Ingredients: Demote by SKU weighted at 100%